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Bradley Bowman
CMPP Senior Director
Peter Doran
Adjunct Senior Fellow
John Hardie
Russia Program Deputy Director
Donald Jensen
Adjunct Fellow
Lydia LaFavor
Research Fellow
Lewis Libby
Distinguished Fellow
Eric B. Lorber
CEFP Senior Advisor
Clifford D. May
Founder & President
Cameron McMillan
Research Analyst
Jacob Nagel
Senior Fellow
Waller R. Newell
Adjunct Fellow
Ivana Stradner
Research Fellow
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman
FDD Analysis
The U.S. should stoke anti-war resistance within Russia
The Hill
Russia closes in on “fortress” city of Vuhledar
FDD's Long War Journal
Turkey should prove it is ready to embrace NATO
How U.S. Adversaries Undermine the Perception of Election Integrity
Washington Should Demand Turkey Donate its S-400 Missiles to Ukraine and the U.S.
Policy Brief
Bradley Bowman
CMPP Senior Director
Peter Doran
Adjunct Senior Fellow
John Hardie
Russia Program Deputy Director
Donald Jensen
Adjunct Fellow
Lydia LaFavor
Research Fellow
Lewis Libby
Distinguished Fellow
Eric B. Lorber
CEFP Senior Advisor
Clifford D. May
Founder & President
Cameron McMillan
Research Analyst
Jacob Nagel
Senior Fellow
Waller R. Newell
Adjunct Fellow
Ivana Stradner
Research Fellow
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman