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Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Conricus
Senior Fellow
Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Seth J. Frantzman
Adjunct Fellow
Jacob Nagel
Senior Fellow
Emanuele Ottolenghi
Senior Fellow
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Jonathan Schanzer
Executive Director
Ahmad Sharawi
Research Analyst
Joe Truzman
Senior Research Analyst and Editor at FDD's Long War Journal
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman
FDD Analysis
‘Israel Will Do What It Has To Do’: Hezbollah Hit As Withdrawal Deadline Nears
Flash Brief
Hezbollah Supporters Block Beirut Roads After Iranian Plane Prohibited From Landing
Flash Brief
Israel to Reportedly Maintain Key Defensive Positions in South Lebanon Beyond Withdrawal Date
Flash Brief
Disruptions and Challenges in the Middle East
Significant challenges await the Trump administration’s attention.
Civitas Institute
Syria’s crackdown on smuggling sparks tensions with Hezbollah and Lebanon
FDD's Long War Journal
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Conricus
Senior Fellow
Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Seth J. Frantzman
Adjunct Fellow
Jacob Nagel
Senior Fellow
Emanuele Ottolenghi
Senior Fellow
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Jonathan Schanzer
Executive Director
Ahmad Sharawi
Research Analyst
Joe Truzman
Senior Research Analyst and Editor at FDD's Long War Journal
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman
In The News
‘Unacceptable’: Lebanon claims US will accept Israeli troops remaining in Lebanon after deadline
All Israel News
The Trump administration needs a Turkish-Syria policy right now
The Hill
Lebanon and Syria expel Hezbollah from border
i24 News
Hamas interrupts hostage exchange as Hezbollah reorganizes
The John Batchelor Show
U.S. influence in Lebanon
i24 News
EVENT: Israel's Strike on Hezbollah HQ | FDD SITREP with Jonathan Conricus, Jon Schanzer & David Daoud
September 27, 2024 | 10:45