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Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Conricus
Senior Fellow
Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Seth J. Frantzman
Adjunct Fellow
Jacob Nagel
Senior Fellow
Emanuele Ottolenghi
Senior Fellow
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Jonathan Schanzer
Senior Vice President for Research
Ahmad Sharawi
Research Analyst
Joe Truzman
Senior Research Analyst at FDD's Long War Journal
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman
FDD Analysis
Iran’s axis plays victim and aggressor at the same time
While Iran's axis of resistance targets Israel, Iranian media continually paints the Islamic Republic and its proxies as victims.
The Jerusalem Post
Israel’s Year of Battles Against Tehran’s Proxies and Pawns
Foreign Podicy
IDF Targets Nasrallah Successor, Destroys Hezbollah Weapons Smuggling Tunnel
Flash Brief
Israel presses on in Lebanon as Hezbollah rocket barrages rain down
The Washington Times
Iran’s Foreign Minister in Lebanon amid war with Hezbollah
Iran's top diplomat is in Lebanon, but what does that mean for the current conflict in the Middle East?
The Jerusalem Post
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Conricus
Senior Fellow
Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Seth J. Frantzman
Adjunct Fellow
Jacob Nagel
Senior Fellow
Emanuele Ottolenghi
Senior Fellow
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Jonathan Schanzer
Senior Vice President for Research
Ahmad Sharawi
Research Analyst
Joe Truzman
Senior Research Analyst at FDD's Long War Journal
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman
In The News
Israel Targets Likely Successor To Hezbollah Leader In Massive Airstrike
The Daily Wire
How a weakened Hezbollah impacts Iran's proxies
Sky News Arabia {Arabic}
Scenarios of an Israel-Iran war
Through Conversations Podcast
Israeli intelligence penetrates Hezbollah leadership
India Today
On the latest Iranian attack on Israel
The Glenn Beck Program
EVENT: Israel's Strike on Hezbollah HQ | FDD SITREP with Jonathan Conricus, Jon Schanzer & David Daoud
September 27, 2024 | 3:45