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Bradley Bowman
CMPP Senior Director
Lewis Libby
Distinguished Fellow
Eric B. Lorber
CEFP Senior Advisor
Clifford D. May
Founder & President
LTG (Ret.) H.R. McMaster
CMPP Chairman
RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery
CCTI Senior Director and Senior Fellow
Samantha Ravich
CCTI Chairman
Anthony Ruggiero
Nonproliferation and Biodefense Program Senior Adjunct Fellow
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman
FDD Analysis
Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: October
Policy Tracker
Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: September
Policy Tracker
Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: August
Policy Tracker
So Many Wars, So Little Time
Foreign Podicy
American October 7 Victims File U.S. Lawsuit Against Iran, Syria and North Korea
Flash Brief
Bradley Bowman
CMPP Senior Director
Lewis Libby
Distinguished Fellow
Eric B. Lorber
CEFP Senior Advisor
Clifford D. May
Founder & President
LTG (Ret.) H.R. McMaster
CMPP Chairman
RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery
CCTI Senior Director and Senior Fellow
Samantha Ravich
CCTI Chairman
Anthony Ruggiero
Nonproliferation and Biodefense Program Senior Adjunct Fellow
Juan C. Zarate
CEFP Chairman
In The News