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FDD Analysis
An Evolving Threat Landscape: Composite Violent Extremism and Prevention Efforts
Global Network on Extremism & Technology
The Order of Nine Angles
Its Worldview and Connection to Violent Extremism
Training and Testing Facility Violence Prevention Designs
After an attack, reopening is a crucial victory that signals resolve.
Facilities Net
America Needs a New Protocol for Handling Shooter Manifestos
Real Clear Politics
How Crisis Architecture can Complement Business Continuity Plans
Take these steps to help mitigate risk of facility violence.
Facilities Net
In The News
Takeaways from the DNC
The John Fredericks Show
On the DNC protests in Chicago
The John Fredericks Show
Bad Actors Luring Youth on Telegram: An Arms Race to Truth
The Media Line
Harris meeting with anti-Israel 'Uncommitted' movement opens speculation about arms embargo
Fox News
Hamas-occupied Times Square must be liberated
Jewish News Syndicate
EVENT: Strategies for Addressing Global White Supremacists
June 4, 2020 5:03