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Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Major General (Ret.) Amir Eshel
Senior Fellow
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Resident Scholar
Saeed Ghasseminejad
Senior Iran and Financial Economics Advisor
Richard Goldberg
Senior Advisor
Tzvi Kahn
Research Fellow and Senior Editor
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Behnam Ben Taleblu
Iran Program Senior Director and Senior Fellow
FDD Analysis
Iranian Rial Falls to Record Low Amid Return of Trump’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ Sanctions
Flash Brief
U.S. Treasury Should Target Iran’s Trading Partners
Policy Brief
Unpacking Iran’s counterintelligence apparatus
FDD's Long War Journal
Cracks in the Core? The Meaning Behind Iran’s Assassinations
As Iran’s economic, regional, and domestic standing deteriorates, senior and junior officials alike will begin to realize that the regime cannot ensure their safety.
The National Interest
Iranian Foreign Minister Meets With Hamas and Qatari Leaders as Support for Proxies Persists
Flash Brief
Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Major General (Ret.) Amir Eshel
Senior Fellow
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Resident Scholar
Saeed Ghasseminejad
Senior Iran and Financial Economics Advisor
Richard Goldberg
Senior Advisor
Tzvi Kahn
Research Fellow and Senior Editor
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Behnam Ben Taleblu
Iran Program Senior Director and Senior Fellow
In The News