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Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Major General (Ret.) Amir Eshel
Senior Fellow
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Resident Scholar
Saeed Ghasseminejad
Senior Iran and Financial Economics Advisor
Richard Goldberg
Senior Advisor
Tzvi Kahn
Research Fellow and Senior Editor
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Behnam Ben Taleblu
Senior Fellow
FDD Analysis
How to Follow Israel’s Military Achievements
It’s now time to pivot, turning battlefield successes into political leverage.
The Wall Street Journal
Iran's military budget is growing: What does that mean for the Middle East?
Iran wants to increase the accuracy of its range and the overall number of its ballistic missiles.
The Jerusalem Post
Iran’s Economy Braces for Impact of Clash With Israel
Policy Brief
Biden Administration Admits Iran’s Oil Exports Have Grown Exponentially in Value and Volume
Policy Brief
Iran Should Stay on the Global Terror Finance and Money Laundering Blacklist
Real Clear World
Mark Dubowitz
Chief Executive
Major General (Ret.) Amir Eshel
Senior Fellow
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Resident Scholar
Saeed Ghasseminejad
Senior Iran and Financial Economics Advisor
Richard Goldberg
Senior Advisor
Tzvi Kahn
Research Fellow and Senior Editor
Janatan Sayeh
Research Analyst
Behnam Ben Taleblu
Senior Fellow
In The News