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FDD Analysis
Disruptions and Challenges in the Middle East
Significant challenges await the Trump administration’s attention.
Civitas Institute
Erdoğan’s fourth term, brought to you courtesy of Turkey’s Kurds?
Under current provisions, Turkey’s president can only hold office for two five-year terms
Global Voices
Trump Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: February
Policy Tracker
Nuclear Power Plant Project Highlights Turkish Role in Russia’s Sanctions Evasion
Policy Brief
FAQ: Is Turkey the Next Nuclear Proliferant State?
In The News
Understanding the instability in the Middle East
Trinity Broadcasting Network
The Trump administration needs a Turkish-Syria policy right now
The Hill
Turkey looks at Niger mining projects amid competition for uranium
The John Batchelor Show
What are Turkey's nuclear ambitions?
The Greek Current
On the Israel-Hamas ceasefire, a badly weakened Iran, and the future of the Middle East
The John Batchelor Show
EVENT: Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman Resurgence
February 10, 2025 | 7:00