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April 8, 2011
Why Is Germany’s Angela Merkel Strengthening Enemies of Israel and the West?
Only hours before German chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Berlin on Thursday, her government did a deal worth billions with the greatest threat to Israe...
April 8, 2011
Magic With U.S. Money for the United Nations
Welcome to the latest Magical Mystery Tour of American funding for the United Nations. Today’s featured mystery is, how to explain the missing $2.8 billion? Thursday morning, Presi...
April 7, 2011
Brace for Trouble. The EU Peace Initiative is About to Kick Off
This spring of 2011 does not appear to be the best moment for a new peace initiative. After all, peace talks have not been seriously conducted for two years now. The uprisings that have...
April 6, 2011
Why Is the Continuing Resolution Issue Time Rather Than Subject Matter?
Since we are now down to the juvenilia of fighting over one-week continuing resolutions (CRs) incorporating budget cuts that are laughably tiny given the red sea of debt we are in, I have a...
April 6, 2011
Testimony Before The House Committee on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Counterterrorism
On April 6, 2011 Thomas Joscelyn testified before the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence on the unrest in the Middle East and North...
April 6, 2011
German Firms Finance World Champ in Holocaust Denial’
BERLIN – The new president of Germany's 105,000-member Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, launched on Monday a withering attack on German companies, the Merkel administration an...
April 6, 2011
The Flexible Fuel Answer to OPEC
Last week, President Barack Obama delivered a highly anticipated speech on our country's energy future. His implicit message? "No, we can't." For starters, the president wrongl...
April 6, 2011
Honoring the Compact
In an age when judges are habituated to invent rather than apply the law, a written Constitution is a thing of irony. We’ve become exactly what constitutions are designed to prevent: a nation not of...
April 6, 2011
The China Conundrum
How significant that the architect of the original U.S. overture to China now feels compelled to write a primer on averting war with his own creation. Henry Kissinger's essay, "Avoiding a U....
April 6, 2011
Too Little, Too Late
A no-fly zone over Libya may still turn the tide, lead to the ousting of Colonel Gaddafi and facilitate an orderly transition to democracy led by the rebel forces based in Benghazi. At a minimum,...
April 5, 2011
Baradei’s Promise to Declare War on Israel
Mario, how could you say the execrable Mohammed El Baradei is “obviously playing to public opinion” by threatening war against Israel. I thought we’d been told that there...
April 5, 2011
More On Koran Burning
Jonah, my problem with the Koran burning stunt is that it is counterproductive. I hear what you’re saying about decency. But on that score, I don’t find the burning any more off...
April 5, 2011
Not Unlawful, Not an Enemy Combatant
Is there a limit to the damage this government is willing to do to American credibility and security in its sudden haste to rid the world of Moammar Qaddafi — known until recently as a valu...
April 5, 2011
Iran Looks on as the West Wrestles with Contradictions Over Libya Intervention
Sometime in the next few months, Col. Moammar Gaddafi was meant to turn over the remaining mustard gas he still has in stock. He had agreed to relinquish his weapons of mass destruction to the We...
April 4, 2011
Obama Administration Decision to Return KSM to the Military Courts
The Obama administration’s decision to return the case of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other 9/11 mass-murderers to a military commission demonstrates, yet again, that the American...
April 4, 2011
No More Dhimmitude
As always, Mark leaves nothing left to say regarding Sen. Lindsey Graham — though I am tempted to suggest that maybe the country would have been better off if he hadn’t exercise...
April 2, 2011
Ex-Gitmo Detainee Training Libyan Rebels in Derna
A former Guantanamo detainee who spent nearly six years in detention at Cuba is training Libyan rebels in the city of Derna, according to The Wall Street Journal's Charles Levinson....
April 1, 2011
The Senate and the No-Fly Zone: The Legend Begins
Out of extremely thin air, the Obama administration is now conjuring the narrative that Congress actually did approve a Libyan no-fly zone before President Barack Obama signed onto the project wi...
April 1, 2011
Why Has Germany Snubbed Obama over Iran Sanctions?
Berlin — According to a front-page story in the main German business daily the Handelsblatt, “Although [Iran] is subject to strict economic sanctions by the EU and USA, Germany helps...
April 1, 2011
How the Most Transparent Administration in History Gets a Transparent Congressional Debate on War in
Greetings from sunny southern California, where I’m nearing the end of a week of speechifying. … Speaking of which, that sure was some senate debate on whether we shou...
April 1, 2011
How the Most Transparent Administration in History Gets a Transparent Congressional Debate on War in
Greetings from sunny southern California, where I’m nearing the end of a week of speechifying. … Speaking of which, that sure was some senate debate on whether we shou...
April 1, 2011
Why Has Germany Snubbed Obama over Iran Sanctions?
Berlin — According to a front-page story in the main German business daily the Handelsblatt, "Although [Iran] is subject to strict economic sanctions by the EU and USA, Germany helps in circumven...
April 1, 2011
Beyond Iran Sanctions
On Wednesday a new organization came on the scene: Freedom House and the Progressive Policy Institute today announced the creation of an Iran Strategy Task Force, Beyond Sanctions: The Next...
March 31, 2011
Still Looking for Gitmo
If Guantanamo were really one of al Qaeda’s principal recruiting tools, as President Obama and members of his administration have repeatedly claimed, then the facility would probably be ref...
March 31, 2011
Who Will Interrogate Top Terrorist?
An American intelligence official based in South Asia recently told me, “It has been a long time since we captured a senior al Qaeda leader.” His point was transparent: Without detain...
March 31, 2011
How the Obama Administration Can Get Serious About Iran Sanctions
The Obama administration made the correct decision earlier this week to impose sanctions on Belarusneft, a subsidiary of the Belarusian petrochemical company Belneftekhim, for doing business with...
March 31, 2011
What Should Asma al-Assad Wear to the Syrian Revolution?
Long ago and far away, when the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos fell in the Philippines, the dictator’s wife, Imelda, became an object of global ridicule for her extravagant wardrobe &mdas...
March 31, 2011
How the Obama Administration Can Get Serious About Iran Sanctions
The Obama administration made the correct decision earlier this week to impose sanctions on Belarusneft, a subsidiary of the Belarusian petrochemical company Belneftekhim, for doing business with I...
March 31, 2011
German Gov’t, Iranian Bank EIH Circumvent Sanctions’
BERLIN – New disclosures earlier this week have catapulted the scandal-plagued Hamburg-based Europäisch- Iranische Handelsbank (EIH), the German Foreign Ministry and Germany's Cen...
March 31, 2011
Congressman: US Policy on Iran Shows ‘Weakness’
WASHINGTON – A top Democratic member of Congress chastised the Obama administration Thursday for deploying sanctions against Iran merely in a "symbolic" way that he warned could signal weakness t...
March 31, 2011
LGBT Activists Should Know Friends From Foes
Co-Authored with Stuart Appelbaum Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in the Muslim world face lethal homophobia. Yet too many LGBT progressives in the W...
March 31, 2011
Ex-Gitmo Detainee Criticizes Saudis in Latest Edition of Inspire
The fifth and latest edition of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's Inspire magazine contains an article written by Ibrahim Rubaish, a former Guantanamo detainee, who criticizes the Saudi go...
March 30, 2011
State Department Sanctions Belarus Firm for Doing Business with Iran; GOP Not Satisfied
The State Department announced on Tuesday that it has decided to apply the recently passed Iran sanctions legislation to the Belarusian company Belorusneft. But GOP senators monitoring the implemen...
March 30, 2011
Lawmakers Question Use of Iran Sanctions Law
The Obama administration on Tuesday said it would blacklist a Belarusian firm under an Iran sanctions law enacted last year, but Republican senators called the move an insufficient application of l...
March 30, 2011
DC Circuit Court Finds Gitmo Detainee was No ‘Forrest Gump’
The DC Circuit Court overturned a District Court's decision to grant Guantanamo detainee Uthman Abdul Rahim Mohammed Uthman's petition for a writ of habeas corpus on Tuesday. In reversi...
March 30, 2011
America and Syria
If Pres. Barack Obama prefers not to intervene on behalf of the protesters being slaughtered in Syria, the least his administration could do is refrain from endorsing their tyrant. In Obama&rsquo...
March 30, 2011
Middle East Howlers
A “howler,” the Wall Street Journal called it in an editorial yesterday. That certainly is a fitting description of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s latest mindboggling fora...
March 30, 2011
What Drives Celebrity Anti-Semitism?
In a span of several weeks, a motley group of celebrities ranging from the composer of "Zorba the Greek" to a British fashion designer to an American television actor - as well as the Australian...
March 29, 2011
Why Not Syria and Iran? Hell, Why Not North Korea?
I was on a radio show today and one of the hosts was trying to put a good face on Obama’s Libyan thing. “Well,” she said, “he was slaughtering all those innocent people. S...
March 28, 2011
It’s Not that Qaddafi Was Right, It’s that We Knew He Was Right
Jonah[2] and Mark[3] went back and forth over the weekend on the question of whether Qaddafi has been right in saying that the “’rebels’ are al Qaeda.” In particular, Jona...
March 28, 2011
Former Cheney Advisor John P. Hannah Joins the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Press Release March 28, 2011 CONTACT: David Donadio(202) Former Cheney Advisor John P. Hannah Joins the Foundation for Defense of Democracies WASHINGTON, DC (March 28, 2011) -- John Hannah, former national
March 26, 2011
Decoding Libya
For nearly 20 years, we’ve willfully blinded ourselves to the Rosetta Stone that decodes our enemy’s war doctrine. But the jihad (or shall we call it “kinetic Islam”?) is...
March 25, 2011
Elizabeth Taylor Stood Up for Israel
Berlin — Perhaps the most overlooked fact in the obituaries written about Elizabeth Taylor was that her unwavering support for the Jewish state was matched with genuine pro-Israel action. T...
March 25, 2011
Review: Hamas in Politics
Gunning, a lecturer at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, lived in the Gaza Strip for nine months in 1998. This book, completed nine years later, is the culmination of his studies about the Pa...
March 25, 2011
Syria’s Assad No Longer in Vogue
It was slow in coming, but the Arab revolutionary wave of 2011 has reached Syria. Its arrival has forced a reassessment of the Bashar al-Assad regime’s domestic legitimacy and prospects for...
March 24, 2011
What Would We Do Without the Arab League?
Little publicized fact: Right up until the Arab League suspended Libya’s participation, due to Gaddafi’s highly visible slaughter of his own people, which country held the annually ro...
March 24, 2011
The Unknown in Libya
The Los Angeles Times reports: Despite fears that Islamic extremists may be playing a hidden role in the rebellion against Moammar Kadafi, the U.S. intelligence community has fo...
March 24, 2011
Clinton Administration CIA Director R. James Woolsey Named Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of
Press Release March 24, 2011 CONTACT: Susan Firey(202) Clinton Administration CIA Director R. James Woolsey Named Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies WASHINGTON, DC (March 24, 2011) -- Former
March 24, 2011
An Arab Spring?
Readers of tea leaves, tarot cards and goat entrails may be able to predict the future. But prognostication is a skill few journalists, politicians, diplomats, and intelligence officials have dem...
March 24, 2011
Review: Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim-Americans
Schanzer and Moosa of Duke University and Kurzman of the University of North Carolina have garnered a fair amount of media attention for their study despite its complete methodological failure. A...