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January 28, 2011
Will Obama back Middle East Democracy Movements?
President Barack Obama campaigned as the polar opposite of his predecessor, George W. Bush, heralding the end of the Bush Doctrine, in which Arab political reform played a central role. Upo...
January 28, 2011
Democracy Is Calling in Egypt — Can Obama Hear It?
"We do big things," President Barack Obama said of Americans in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. But as he presented his presidential laundry list of domestic policy ideas, big thing...
January 28, 2011
Tony Blair: To Defeat al Qaeda We Must Also Defeat Iran
“How do you deal with al Qaeda?” former British Prime Minister Tony Blair asked rhetorically during a public hearing in London earlier this month. Mr. Blair quickly answered his own q...
January 28, 2011
The Importance of Bahrain
Authored by Steven Sotloff Another round of talks and another failure to find a breakthrough over Iran’s nuclear programme. Despite it being the most pressing crisis facin...
January 28, 2011
Democracy Will Prevail in Egypt and Across the Middle East
Democracy has been the dominant form of political organization in Canada and other English-speaking countries for so long that we often forget just how historically unusual it is. Until the estab...
January 27, 2011
Mikati’s Probationary Period
The reactions from Washington, Paris and Riyadh following Najib Mikati’s designation as prime minister suggest that we are now in a watchful, wait-and-see period. Everyone is keeping a clos...
January 27, 2011
Egypt’s Day of Anger
The aftershocks of Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution continue to reverberate across the Arab world. On January 25, Egyptians began an unprecedented revolt against poverty, corruption and thirty...
January 26, 2011
The New York Times Goes to (Spy) War
The New York Times has been amusing itself — for the second time in as many years — at the expense of Duane “Dewey” Clarridge, a retired CIA Operations Off...
January 26, 2011
The Guardian Wants Its Two-State Solution Back. Beware.
When the Guardian launched its “Palestine Papers” on Sunday, the sensational leak was accompanied by an editorial, which was sensationally titled “Pleading for a fig leaf&...
January 26, 2011
Swiss Adopt EU Sanctions on Teheran
BERLIN – Switzerland will fall into line with European Union sanctions targeting Iran's energy, nuclear proliferation and weapons sectors, its government said last week. "Bundesrat gives u...
January 25, 2011
How the Guardian Helped Kill the Peace Process
As Alana noted yesterday, the extent of Palestinian concessions during peace talks, once made public, has seriously damaged PA leaders — and the State Department has weighed, noting that th...
January 25, 2011
Iran Talks and Repetitive Motion Disorder
Berlin — The nuclear negotiations between Iran’s regime and the Obama administration, including U.S. global partners Russia, France, China, the United Kingdom, and Germany, have...
January 24, 2011
The Guardian’s Spin on the Palestine Papers
If I may highlight one more thing regarding Noah Pollak’s excellent take-down of the “Palestine Papers” that the Guardian and Al Jazeera leaked to the public over the weekend, t...
January 24, 2011
Mukasey Must Reading
Two things you really ought to read. First, in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal, former attorney general Michael Mukasey reviewed two books that analyze U.S. national security...
January 24, 2011
As Tunisia’s Army Quells Chaos, Will It Hinder Democracy?
The fear and chaos that follows the fall of the Tunisian dictator Zine El Abedine Ben Ali on January 14 raises uncertainty about the country's future. Already, it can be said that Tunisia wi...
January 24, 2011
Islam and the State of the Union
The state of our union is . . . denial — at least when it comes to Islam.” I’m not holding my breath waiting for President Obama, as denier-in-chief, to make that prono...
January 23, 2011
No Gitmo for Julian Assange, State Department Says
State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley wrote the following on his Twitter page early this morning: The claim by the lawyer for #JulianAssange that his client could g...
January 23, 2011
In Istanbul, Nuclear Talks with Iran Yield No Progress
WASHINGTON – Western negotiators expressed deep disappointment on Saturday after talks with Iran ended without yielding progress or even paving the way for another round of negotiations. "...
January 23, 2011
China Renews Iran Oil Deal with Steady Volume’
BEIJING: China, the world's largest buyer of Iranian crude oil, has renewed its annual import pacts for 2011, keeping volumes steady at some 460,000 barrels per day (bpd), two sources told Reuters....
January 22, 2011
Review — The Kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the Challenge of the 21st Century
Drawing from articles that appeared on the now-defunct website in 2006 and 2007, journalist Mark Huband and PhD student Joshua Craze have assembled a poignant portrayal of Saudi p...
January 21, 2011
Why in the World Would We Want to Support the MEK?
According to Fox News, a group of smart, experienced people speaking at a panel in Washington yesterday had two things to say about U.S. policy toward Iran: Abandon all hope in negotiation...
January 21, 2011
Tony Blair on Iran and Al Qaeda
For the second time in less than a year, former British prime minister Tony Blair testified before the Iraq Inquiry today. The Inquiry is investigating the circumstances that led up to the...
January 21, 2011
If you haven’t discovered him yet, you should start paying attention to Pascal Bruckner, a French philosopher deeply involved in our current struggles. His recent book...
January 21, 2011
Le Pen’s National Front and the Anti-Zionist Party
Marine Le Pen took over the party leadership of the xenophobic, far-right National Front Party this week. The Wall Street Journal noted that “Ms. Le Pen on Sunday became the party’s s...
January 21, 2011
New Investigation Into Murder of Daniel Pearl Released
On Thursday, The Center for Public Integrity released a new report detailing the circumstances of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl's kidnapping and murder. The report confirms that...
January 21, 2011
Tempest in Tunis
Much is being made about the role that social networking and other technologies played in the mass protests which forced Tunisia’s President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali to flee the country, end...
January 20, 2011
China: The First Mature Fascist State
In 2002, I speculated that China may be something we have never seen before: a mature fascist state. Recent events there, especially the mass rage in response to Western criticism, seem to confir...
January 20, 2011
Tunisia’s Anti-Israel Eliza Doolittle
Christian Ortner, a commentator for the Austrian dailies Wiener Zeitung and Die Presse, picked up a golden journalistic nugget about Leila Trabelsi, the wife of Tunisia’s former authoritari...
January 20, 2011
Canada Stands Up to Iran
Last week, Canada’s Free Thinking Film Society — love that name — was scheduled to screen Iranium, a new documentary about the regime that has ruled Iran since 1979, its d...
January 20, 2011
Sanctions Must Respond to Iran’s Anti-Gay Genocide
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's lethal homophobia requires strong medicine. The international campaign to stop the stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman who was sentenced to...
January 20, 2011
With Stuxnet Delaying Iran’s Bomb, Is the Urgency Gone?
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- In the wake of revelations that a computer virus may have set back Iran's nuclear weapons program, the Western groups and analysts that track the Islamic Republic are saying "Mo...
January 20, 2011
A More Civil and Honest Public Discourse?
President Obama last week refuted – clearly and commendably -- those who have been attempting to exploit the bloodbath in Tucson to smear conservative polemicists and law-abiding gun owners...
January 20, 2011
Iran’s Road Rules
There’s much white noise surrounding the situation in Lebanon, as several actors stir frantically on the margins. Whether it’s France’s proposal for a Lebanon “contact gro...
January 20, 2011
The Ossification of Egypt
After decades of looking to Egypt to provide stability in the Middle East, Washington finds Cairo contending with an increasingly dangerous combination of ossified leadership, Islamist violence,...
January 20, 2011
Tunisia Vulnerable to Forces Against Democracy
When his computer science degree failed to corral meaningful employment, 26-year-old Mohamed Bouazizi resorted to selling vegetables on the street in Sidi Bouzid to support his family of eight....
January 19, 2011
Der Spiegel Is Worried About Jewish Revenge
Contentions Der Spiegel Is Worried About Jewish Revenge Benjamin Weinthal 01.19.2011 - 10:18 AM This week’s Der Spiegel magazine cover story is titled &...
January 19, 2011
Enforcing Sharia, Suppressing Speech in Canada
Canada’s National Post reports: After receiving threats and two suspicious letters Tuesday, the National Archives of Canada canceled the screening...
January 19, 2011
Tunisia at a Tipping Point?
As the situation surrounding the flight of Tunisian dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali last Friday continues to develop, the battle for the future of Tunisia is just beginning. Thousands of protest...
January 19, 2011
Looking for Gitmo
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released the fourth edition of its Inspire magazine online in recent days. As with the previous three editions, the PDF publication is a combination of de...
January 19, 2011
The Beginning of the End of Swiss ‘Active Neutrality’?
Tuesday morning, NBC News broadcast an interview with Saad Iqbal Madni, a former Guantanamo detainee. Madni’s story is an old one and there is no real “news” here. The New...
January 19, 2011
Great Decisions
As the U.S. seeks to reign in rogue regimes like Iran and North Korea, do sanctions actually work? Watch the video here....
January 19, 2011
Wrong on Rauf
Imam Feisal Rauf, the cleric behind the provocative Ground Zero Mosque (GZM) project, as one critic put it, “is no moderate. He presents himself as a peacemaking Islamic Gandhi, but he is i...
January 19, 2011
Senior German al Qaeda leader killed in Afghanistan
A German national who served as a senior member of al Qaeda's external operations branch as well as a leader in the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan was killed during fighting last year in Afg...
January 18, 2011
The Berlin-Rome-Tehran Axis
One of those dirty secrets that broad swaths of European media and politicians avoid like the plague is the ways in which European countries are propping up Tehran’s regime and its proxies...
January 18, 2011
New report: ‘Domestic Intelligence: New Powers, New Risks’
Today I was a panelist at the rollout event for a new report published by the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, Emily Berman's Domestic Int...
January 17, 2011
No War? Or a Just War?
Some interesting responses to my NRO piece on “The War Against the Christians.” An academic, a man of the left, wrote to say that I was pushing a “paranoid right-wing fantasy.&r...
January 17, 2011
Hypocrisy on Stilts
On the New York Times Bloggingheads site (linked here on NRO), Adam Serwer of The American Prospect makes the case that conservatives, because of their rhetoric, were complicit in the Tucson shoo...
January 17, 2011
Iranian Woman Not Stoned for Alleged Adultery
Iran’s pariah regime said today that it plans to drop the death-by-stoning penalty against Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman who was sentenced to death for alleged adultery. All this mean...
January 17, 2011
Germany is Encouraging Trade with Teheran’
BERLIN – Emmanuel Nahshon, the deputy chief of mission for the Israeli Embassy in Germany, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that two seminars jointly sponsored by the German Economic Ministry...
January 17, 2011
Iranian Woman Not Stoned for Alleged Adultery
Iran's pariah regime said today that it plans to drop the death-by-stoning penalty against Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman who was sentenced to death for alleged adultery. All this means is tha...