We Should Not Underestimate China’s Military Ambitions
Suggestions that the People’s Republic is a ‘paper dragon’ are ill-informed and misleading.
Suggestions that the People’s Republic is a ‘paper dragon’ are ill-informed and misleading.
Attacked by a common enemy, earthlings have not united
President Trump might want to consider new and improved policy options.
With no serious challenger in the race, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi won a second four-year term last week, winning 21,835,387 votes or 97.08 percent of the total, according to...
Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis hinted in recent congressional testimony that Presi...
White House spokesman Sean Spicer again defended President Donald Trump's first significant military action, a raid on Al Qaeda forces in Yemen that resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL, an...
Here’s a worrying bit of news: America’s best ally in the war against the Islamic State, Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), is nearly broke. That’s a major proble...
With the Iran nuclear talks entering the final stretch in Vienna, Germany’s role in the negotiations to end Tehran’s illicit nuclear weapons program has largely escaped scrutiny....
For Al Jazeera, May is the cruelest month. In just the past four weeks, two ex-employees have filed separate lawsuits totaling some $100 million, three executives have resigned from its New York-...
In the run up to Thursday's summit at Camp David, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry had predicted that &ldq...
All of a sudden, it’s OK to talk seriously about regime change in Iran and even elsewhere. It had been a taboo subject since the final years of the G.W. Bush administration, aside fro...
Co-authored by Stephen F. Hayes After a long day on November 13, 2013, Speaker of the House John Boehner walked down the marble hallways of the Longworth House Office Building t...
President Obama wants to keep aid to Egypt’s new military rulers flowing. So does Republican former ambassador John Bolton. Democratic (and Muslim) congressman Keith Ellison wants to cut ai...
BERLIN — Obama: Ist er ein Berliner? The German weekly Die Zeit posed this question...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC -- During the week marking the two year anniversary of the crisis in Syria, Congress introduced two bil...
In January 2004, the New Republic endorsed Joe Lieberman for president. By this time, recriminations against Democrats who had supported the Iraq War (or, in the parlance of the American...
Their deaths are instructive.
The term Islamophobia treats political ideology as akin to race.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – With the United States and its key European allies preparing to enter negotiations over Iran’s unlawful nuclear a...
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – With the United States and its key European allies soon to enter negotiations over Iran’s un...