John McCain

October 31, 2012 | Lee Smith Tablet

The Alan Dershowitz Syndrome

Prominent Jews like the Harvard lawyer have spent years criticizing Obama. So, why are they endorsing him?

September 24, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

US Senators Urge the EU to Outlaw Hezbollah

A bipartisan group of 76 US senators sent a mid-September letter urging the EU to include Hezbollah on its terror list. The Republican and Democratic senators wrote to Catherine As...

June 25, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy National Review Online

Obama Administration: ‘Imperative’ that Egyptian Military Hand Over Power to Islamist President

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is doing her part to help the Muslim Brotherhood implement the Turkey Strategy in Egypt. As I’ve...

June 22, 2012 | Mark Dubowitz |

Threats From Cyber to Terror Supplant Cold War’s Dangers

The U.S. is searching for ways to deter, defend against and respond to ever-increasing cyber attacks and more diverse terrorist threats, even as it tries to cut spending and finance weapons conce...

June 16, 2012 | |

Stay Out of Syria

A response to Clifford D. May.

June 11, 2012 | |


The Justice Department has launched an investigation into the White House’s handling of classified information. The spur seems to have been the June 1 New York Times article by Dav...

June 7, 2012 |

Oh, Those Wily Wascally Webels!

McCain’s Heroes, aka the Libyan Mujahideen, have attacked the U.S. embassy office in the “rebel” stronghold of Benghazi — the launchpad from which many of said “rebe...

June 6, 2012 | Clifford D. May |

The Battle of Syria

Assad’s survival would be a victory for Iran – and a defeat for the U.S.

May 22, 2012 | |

How About Leading from the Front?

According to recent news reports, the Romney foreign policy team is trying to figure out what the presumptive Republican candidate thinks America’s role in the world should be. He’s b...

May 21, 2012 |

From Democracy to Sharia

The ‘Arab Spring’ shows that democratic process is useless without democratic culture.

April 18, 2012 | Lee Smith Tablet |

Christians for Palestine

For most American Jews and Israelis, evangelical Christians are synonymous with zealous, biblically inspired support of the Jewish state—so zealous, in fact, that it makes some Jews uneasy....

April 10, 2012 | FPI/FDD |

What Obama Must Do in Syria After the Failed Annan Plan

A Joint Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) The Assad regime’s brutality against the Syrian people continues unabated,...

April 9, 2012 |

Obama Funds the Egyptian Government

In October 2010, on the eve of the Islamic revolution that the media fancies as “the Arab Spring,” the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood called for jih...

March 26, 2012 |

Don’t Stay the Course

He couldn’t name a single one. In this tense campaign season, al-Qaeda is very much in the front of the Obama administration’s mind. In fact, admini...

March 23, 2012 |

Chinese Blind Spot

Investigating Chinese surveillance is a rather lonely job. For all the dissidents yammering about dramatic arrests and torture and harvesting of organs, you can’t really guarantee publicati...

March 19, 2012 | Tony Badran NOW Lebanon |

Obama’s Detachment Policy on Syria

On Monday, the editor of the pan-Arab Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Tariq al-Homayed, penned a column that deli...

March 12, 2012 | Lee Smith The Weekly Standard |

On Syria, Follow McCain

Here’s to John McCain, leading from the front. Last week, the Arizona senator cut through all the White House doubletalk on the Syrian uprising and demanded a more active U.S. policy, inclu...

March 12, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn The Weekly Standard |

Politicizing Iran’s Ties to Al Qaeda

In “Politician-in-Chief,” Steve Hayes writes about President Obama’s frustration with, as Hayes...

March 9, 2012 | Tony Badran NOW Lebanon |

Behind the Scenes on Syria

Up until this week, the Obama administration had maintained an unequivocal posture against providing assistance to the armed Syrian opposition. To justify its position, the administration repeate...

March 8, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy National Review Online |

Obama Administration to Congress: You’re Irrelevant

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave testimony in the Senate yesterday that was just breathtaking: asserting that the Obama administration believes it c...