Maduro Is Putin’s Proxy and Must Be Stopped
After claiming victory in what observers deem to be falsified elections, Venezuela’s autocrat is benefitting from Putin’s support. It is in America’s strategic interest to defeat both of them.
After claiming victory in what observers deem to be falsified elections, Venezuela’s autocrat is benefitting from Putin’s support. It is in America’s strategic interest to defeat both of them.
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has taken the French President from a much-ridiculed position of wannabe negotiator to the leader of a potential NATO intervention force on Ukrainian soil.
Prime Minister Han [Duck-Soo]; Chairman Hong [Seok-Hyun]; President Hamre—thank you for your stimulating remarks this morning. And thank you for inviting me to be here today. We have a distinguished...
Redefining terms like anti-corruption, human rights, democracy, and integrity — even when self-evidently disingenuous — provides China the cover to mimic the mechanisms of good governance while blunting...
Argentina has “serious corruption problems,” according to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index. Will this regrettable condition continue to conceal the truth behind the identity...
In February, a jet carrying Iran’s minister of the interior, Ahmad Vahidi, landed at Pakistan’s Nur Khan air base and he was not arrested. He should have been. Vahidi, and four other senior...
One morning last week, Argentines woke up to a political earthquake: A judge...
The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin confirmation hearings on January 28 for Loretta Lynch, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, to become attorney general of the United State...
The lessons learned from Nisman’s exhaustive investigation should be used as a playbook by U.S. officials.
Beyond puzzling over the circumstances, is there any response the U.S. can make to the sudden death this past weekend of Argentine special prosecutor Alberto Nisman? Nisman spent the pas...
Co-authored by Douglas Farah Earlier this month, Alberto Nisman of Argentina, the special prosecutor responsible for investigating the Iranian-planned 1994 bombing of a Jewish c...
Back during the Bush administration, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage famously called Hezbollah the “A Team of terrorists,” adding, “al-Qaeda is actually the B Team.&r...
Last January, President Obama went over to the Pentagon to announce deep cuts in defense. He took the occasion to proclaim: “Even as our troops continue to fight in Afghanistan, the tide of...
Take two headlines, one about Iraq, the other about Afghanistan. The Iraqis told us to honor our signed agreement, and pull out all our troops by year’s end. Over in Kabul,...
As of early September 2011, the Palestinian Authority (PA), under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, was set to bypass negotiations with Israel and attempt to declare statehood at the United Nation...
On May 3, Hamas and Fatah, the two largest and most influential Palestinian factions, created a unity government. Following a brutal civil war in 2007 that left Hamas in control of the Gaza...
THE FACE OF TERROR is constantly evolving as terrorist tactics, and even the foot soldiers trying to attack America, change. When authorities announced last weekend that they had foiled a plot de...
The announcement by U.S. authorities of the arrest of three men and the search for another man, all implicated (allegedly by legal perspective) in a plot to kill thousands of people in an...
War is about breaking the enemy’s will. Having laid bare the sorry state of our brains and our guts, jihadists are now zeroing in on the will’s final piece: our hearts. That...
For two of Paul Wolfowitz's most prominent critics, Mark Malloch Brown and Ad Melkert, the war over the World Bank presidency could not have come at a better time. Whatever else the ousting...