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May 7, 2007
Bush Plummets…As He Wins the Argument
Polls taken through Iraq’s thick prism reflect increasing public disenchantment with the Bush presidency. The economy hums and the stock market climbs daily to heights previously unknown, b...
May 5, 2007
The Return of Moral Equivalence
“...the argument artfully directs attention away from an obvious evil—the catastrophic humanitarian disaster in Darfur...—in order to refocus it on a series of less obvious supp...
May 3, 2007
Global Air Carrier Suspended in U.N. Procurement Investigation
Co-Authored with George Russell The grinding investigation of scandal in the United Nations’ multi-billion-dollar procurement department — an inquiry that has gone o...
May 2, 2007
Too Many Micromanagers
In January, Gen. David Petraeus was unanimously confirmed by the Senate as the top American commander in Iraq. He and his troops are now on the battlefield pursuing a dramatically different strat...
May 2, 2007
Nigeria Teeters Back from the Brink — For Now
Two weeks ago in this column space I observed that free, fair, and credible elections in Nigeria "would lead to the inauguration of a legitimate political order;[which] would not only consolidate...
May 2, 2007
Saving the World
For their May/June issue, the editors of Foreign Policy magazine asked 21 “leading thinkers” to propose ideas to “save the world” -- or, failing that, to come up with &ldq...
May 2, 2007
Salvemos al mundo: Lo que piensan los profundos pensadores
Para su edición de mayo/junio, los editores de la revista Foreign Policy (Política Exterior) preguntaron a 21 “pensadores”de vanguardia” que propusieran ideas para...
May 2, 2007
The Uncertainty Dilemma
In Voltaire’s Micromegas, a gigantic visitor from another planet asks a sailor why humans bicker so much. “Because we agree on the two or three things we understand,” explains t...
May 1, 2007
Symposium: Can This Washington Be Saved? Can This War?
President Bush had no choice but to veto a bill that would have undermined an American commander on the battlefield, a bill that would have legislated a consequential American defeat. Th...
April 30, 2007
Mad TV
Testifying under oath recently, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice misled Congress in her strong defense of Al-Hurra, the taxpayer financed Arab TV network. It was unwitting, though. She herself...
April 30, 2007
Making Sense of a Senseless War
Since most of the coverage on the Sierra Leonean war has focused on the brutal outbursts of violence — exemplified by the quasi-voyeuristic broadcast media fixation on the ‘rebel hand...
April 29, 2007
Tenet Does 60 Minutes
Hawking his new book, At the Eye of the Storm, former CIA Director George Tenet bared his soul Sunday night to Scott Pelley of the CBS news magazine, 60 Minutes. Some preliminary thoughts about h...
April 26, 2007
Middle East Strongmen, Ancient and Modern
The war in Iraq has exposed fissures in the structure of that modern Middle Eastern state earlier camouflaged by Arab nationalism and Saddam's brutal rule. While Arab leaders speak of unity,...
April 26, 2007
Last Lap in Iraq
When President Truman sent General Matthew Ridgeway to replace Douglas MacArthur, a surprise Chinese offensive had pushed American forces all the way back to the starting line of the Korean War....
April 25, 2007
New Fronts Call for New Capacities
As a longtime advocate for the creation of a unified regional combatant command for Africa; an idea for which, in a column published in this very space last year, I argued "the time is now"; I wa...
April 25, 2007
Gacetilleros o portavoces?
A los periodistas por lo general se les acusa de parcialidad. Raras son las veces que se aplican a sí mismos esa imputación. Pero los 35.000 miembros del Sindicato Nacional de Perio...
April 25, 2007
Hacks or Flacks?
Journalists are often accused of bias. Rarely do journalists level that charge against themselves. But the 35,000 members of Britain's National Union of Journalists (NUJ) have done exactly t...
April 24, 2007
Gonzales and McCain-Feingold
Throughout her tumultuous tenure as attorney general, Janet Reno could always rely on Democrats and liberals to circle the wagons when critics ripped her judgment, competence, and forthrightness....
April 24, 2007
Let Them Eat Nothing
When the Soviet system imploded in 1991, there was great concern that in the immediate aftermath the populations of post-communist nations, suddenly cut loose from Big Brother, might starve. They...
April 23, 2007
Spinning the Fighting in South Waziristan
THE PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT has entered into two agreements in the past seven months that promise to destabilize Afghanistan and provide a haven for terrorists to plan and train for catastrophic att...
April 23, 2007
Nigeria: Crisis of Legitimacy
Nigeria's Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared Monday that Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, the candidate of the ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP), the winner in last...
April 20, 2007
Losing the War in Congress, Not in Iraq
A simple statement made by a national legislative leader in Washington this week indicates that a war is being lost, but it is not the war in Iraq. It is the defeat of the War of Ideas taking pla...
April 18, 2007
After the Fall: A “Plan B” for Containing the Impact of an Iraqi Collapse
Imagine that it’s 2009 and a Democrat is in the White House. He (or she) determines that the U.S. mission in Iraq has failed irretrievably. What happens next? It is not too much of...
April 18, 2007
Decision Time in Nigeria
Over the course of the last year, this column has regularly chronicled developments in Nigeria; including Islamist activism in the north, evidence of growing connections to international terroris...
April 18, 2007
Después de la caída: Un “Plan B” para contener el impacto de un colapso iraquí
Imagínese que es el año 2009 y que hay un demócrata en la Casa Blanca. Él (o ella) determinará que la misión americana en Irak ha fracasado irremisibleme...
April 16, 2007
Finding the Moderates
While the idea of attempting to improve relations between counterterrorism experts and Muslims may sound like a fool's errand, both communities have much to gain from such efforts....
April 16, 2007
Hezbollah’s German Helpers
Co-Authored with Alexander Ritzmann Hezbollah arrived in the European Union back in the 1980s, along with refugees from the civil war in Lebanon. Despite its deadly tra...
April 12, 2007
Paying Nuclear Tribute to North Korea
When does President Bush wake up and smell the debacle cooking at his own State Department under the name of a “denuclearization” deal with North Korea? Thanks to U.S. backflips linke...
April 11, 2007
Peacekeepers with No Peace to Keep
Somewhere along the crooked path that runs from the collapse of the Soviet Union that signaled the emergence of the United States as the world's lone superpower to the seemingly intractable...
April 11, 2007
Shut Up, They Explained
I enjoy a good debate as much as the next guy but, increasingly, the next guy doesn’t want to argue — he wants to demonize me. He doesn’t want to win the debate; he wants to shu...
April 11, 2007
The Al Capone Model of Anti-Terror Policing
AL CAPONE HAD BECOME a celebrity criminal by 1931. Everybody knew what he was up to: his litany of offenses included murder, bribery, and running illegal breweries. But the government would have...
April 11, 2007
¡Cállese!, dijeron ellos
Disfruto con un buen debate como cualquier otra persona, pero cada vez más, la otra persona no quiere debatir, lo que quiere es demonizarme. No quiere ganar el debate, quiere finiquitarlo....
April 8, 2007
Don’t Investigate Pelosi — Debate Her
Wouldn’t it be nice if, just once, we learned from our mistakes? The beleaguered Bush administration has had a dreadful couple of years. Now, for the first time in recent memory, a...
April 5, 2007
Ahmadinejad’s “Plan B” – The Circus Continues
With the decision to release the 15 British sailors, the Ahmedinejad three-ring circus and the mullah's propaganda machine have produced a better end to the hostage crisis: Release them quic...
April 4, 2007
Opting for Failure?
This week, the White House sent around a memo titled: “Senator Harry Reid, Then & Now.” It quoted Reid back in November saying: “We’re not going to do anything to limi...
April 4, 2007
The Tipping Point in Somalia
In last week's column, I warned that the situation in Somalia has become untenable: while the country's nominal "Transitional Federal Government" (TFG) is nowhere to be found and the Ug...
April 4, 2007
Escoger el fracaso?
Esta semana, la Casa Blanca hizo circular un memorándum con el título: “El senador Harry Reid, antes y ahora”. Citaba a Reid en noviembre pasado diciendo: “No vamo...
April 4, 2007
I once avidly read Andrew Sullivan. I’ve fallen out of the habit in the last few years. As documented extensively by Jonah Goldberg and Ramesh Ponnuru, among others, on National Review Onli...
April 3, 2007
The Politics of Pessimism
The Democrats have thrown down the gauntlet. They are insisting on a deadline for withdrawal, and backing it up with a threat to cut off funding for the troops. Pundits predict that the Democrats...
April 1, 2007
The Mullahs Scoff at Geneva…Again
For what seems like the millionth time since 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has perpetrated an act of war against the West, reaffirmed its hostile, revolutionary intentions, and demonstrated...
March 30, 2007
Iran’s Shadow Hovered Over Riyadh
The standard for success at Arab summits is, usually, the avoidance of implosion as differences between the various rulers take center stage and eclipse more relevant issues. The end-result is us...
March 29, 2007
Nuclear Motives
There’s no denying it. Iran’s capture of 15 British hostages was a stroke of cunning — and a brilliant one at that. The mullahs were in a pickle. They had decided to do two thin...
March 28, 2007
Salvaging Security in Somalia
Two weeks ago in this space, I reported that the supporters of Somalia's defeated Islamic Courts Union (ICU) were reconstituting themselves as the "Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of...
March 28, 2007
A Dangerous Woman
Theo van Gogh was a modern Western man, a believer in reason, tolerance and multiculturalism. And so it is perhaps fitting that his last words were: “Can’t we talk about this?”...
March 28, 2007
Una Mujer Peligrosa
Theo van Gogh era un hombre occidental moderno, un creyente en la razón, la tolerancia y el multiculturalismo. Y por ello quizá encaja que sus últimas palabras fueran: &ldquo...
March 26, 2007
Tehran Seizure
In light of Iran’s taking 15 British soldiers to Iran National Review Online asked a group of experts: Is this an act of war? What can be done? What can be done about Iran generally? What c...
March 24, 2007
Royal Navy Incident: Iran’s Plan to Drag the U.S. and the U.K.
The capture of British Navy servicemen by Iranian forces is not simply an incident over sea sovereignty in the Persian Gulf. It is a calculated move on behalf of Teheran's Jihadi chess playe...
March 22, 2007
Careful Vetting’?
How could the U.S. government be funding Hamas’s university in Gaza? It’s the question that has been asked often since my front-page story in this paper earlier this month, from Capit...
March 22, 2007
High-Stakes Poker in the Persian Gulf
Earlier this week, Iran’s spiritual leader Ali Khamenei began preparing public opinion for Iran’s withdrawal from the nuclear-nonproliferation regime. Today we have reports that the I...
March 22, 2007
Symposium: Iran: The Countdown
With Iran's Mullahs refusing to stop their nuclear program, a collision with the U.S. appears inevitable -- and approaching sooner rather than later. To discuss the Iranian threat and the o...