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March 21, 2007
Good News from Cote d’Ivoire
It often seems that the news media, both traditional and new, operate under a journalistic version of Gresham's Law whereby bad news trumps good news. This certainly appears to be t...
March 21, 2007
The Inter-Branch Clash Over Fired U.S. Attorneys
From the very start, the Bush administration’s self-induced debacle over fired United States attorneys has blurred law and politics. Now, the blur has officially grown into the fog of inter...
March 19, 2007
The Myth of Moderate Mullahs
If the Reagan administration had learned in 1987 that the clerical regime in Tehran was doing what it is doing today, would Washington have approved of preventive strikes on Iranian nuclear facil...
March 19, 2007
Future Jihad
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Walid Phares, a Professor of Middle East Studies and Religious Conflict at the LLS Program of Florida Atlantic University and a visiting Professor at Na...
March 15, 2007
More Questions about the U.N. in North Korea
It’s bad enough that the United Nations Development Program office in North Korea has been handing over hard currency to the regime of Kim Jong Il. But a new twist now emerging in the Cash-...
March 14, 2007
Lewis Libby’s lawyers are quietly filing appeals while President Bush privately ponders arguments for and against a pardon. But now is not the time for this controversy to fade away. Now is...
March 14, 2007
Playing Politics with Politics
“Loyalty to Bush and Gonzales,” blared Wednesday’s ominous headline in the New York Times, “Was Factor in Prosecutors’ Firings[.]” One would hope so....
March 14, 2007
Smoldering in Somalia
More than three months after the United Nations Security Council first authorized an international contingent to go into the territory of the onetime Somali Democratic Republic to keep a nonexist...
March 7, 2007
Phantom Ministers and the Spirit of Democracy
About six months ago, writing in the lead-up to the second round of the presidential election in the rather ironically named Democratic Republic of Congo, I used this column space to note: ...
March 5, 2007
Muslims Against Jihad?
A peculiar conference, taking place on the West coast of Florida drew the attention of many observers of the War of ideas: The first Secular Islam Summit. Organized by the Center for Inquiry Tran...
March 4, 2007
Close the Immigration Vault with Employer Enforcement
Imagine we had only a single, government-chartered financial institution: the First National Bank. Imagine it had begun a new policy: Henceforth, the vault would remain open and stocked to the br...
March 1, 2007
The Battle for Nigeria
WITH AROUND 36 billion barrels of proven petroleum reserves-the largest in Africa and the eighth largest in the world-Nigeria is America's fifth-largest supplier of oil. In 2006, the United...
February 28, 2007
Hollywood Shuffle
How curious that at the Academy Awards ceremony last weekend not a word was said about the terrorist movements dedicated to the destruction of the West. Hollywood stars and moguls don&rs...
February 28, 2007
Au revoir, mon Général
Exactly four months ago in this same column space, I observed that just "getting the outside world to focus on the current terrorist and other security challenges in Africa is a difficult enough...
February 28, 2007
Barricades at the Serail
The Serail is one of the most beautiful buildings in Beirut. Its stately arches and imposing mass convey both authority and permanence — the Serail was built centuries ago to serve as the s...
February 28, 2007
La confusión de Hollywood
Es curioso que en la ceremonia de los premios Oscar del fin de semana no se dijera ni una palabra sobre los movimientos terroristas dedicados a la destrucción de Occidente....
February 27, 2007
One for the Ages: U.N. Official Uses Two Birthdates
The phrase “born again” is taking on a whole new meaning in a scandal now brewing at a little-known but important United Nations agency based in Switzerland, where an auditor has disc...
February 26, 2007
Feith on Trial
It is one of the oldest and dirtiest political tricks in Washington: Hurl scurrilous charges at someone and then call for investigations into his conduct. When the investigations clear your targe...
February 26, 2007
Libby Trial Reveals Media Hypocrisy
The newly eventful jury deliberations are grinding ahead in the trial of Lewis “Scooter” Libby. Simultaneously, the mainstream media is preparing its post-mortems. Libby, Vic...
February 21, 2007
Violence, Islamism, and Terror in the Sahel
Earlier this month, by coincidence, as President George W. Bush made the announcement in Washington that the United States Department of Defense would be establishing a unified combatant command...
February 21, 2007
Un fracaso de comunicación
En Irak, no hemos estado perdiendo en el choque de armas sino en el choque de percepciones. Nuestros enemigos entendieron muy al principio que no podían derrotar en combate a las tropas am...
February 21, 2007
A Failure to Communicate
In Iraq, we have been losing not clashes of arms but clashes of perceptions. Our enemies understood early on that they could not defeat American troops in combat. But they were clever enough to r...
February 20, 2007
See Cynthia and Mohamad Play Tag Team
Last August, after the Lebanese/Hezbollah war on Israel ended, we observed the irony that one country sending troops to the new, purportedly more effective, United Nations Interim Force in Lebano...
February 17, 2007
Trial in Error
Could someone please explain to me why Scooter Libby is the only person on trial in the Valerie Plame leak investigation? Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald charged Vice President Che...
February 15, 2007
Syrian Pressure, Lebanese Blood
Two years after the assassination of Lebanon's former prime minister, Rafik Hariri, and 22 others, including former Minister Basil Fuleihan, on Tuesday Lebanon was subjected to another terro...
February 14, 2007
Iran and the Heisenberg Principle of Pacifist Diplomacy
Last Sunday, to the fanfare of national celebrations, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad again rejected any suspension in uranium enrichment, in open defiance of a U.N. Security Council comman...
February 14, 2007
Getting AFRICOM Right
Last week President George W. Bush created a new military command for Africa: I am pleased to announce my decision to create a Department of Defense Unified Combatant Comm...
February 14, 2007
Munich Memories
“Our enemies are little worms. I saw them at Munich.” That was Hitler’s appraisal of the leaders of Britain and France he hosted in the Bavarian capital in 1938. Britis...
February 14, 2007
Recuerdos de Múnich
“Nuestro enemigos son pequeños gusanos. Los vi en Múnich”. Ésa fue la evaluación de Hitler...
February 13, 2007
Despite Efforts at Reconciliation, ‘Never Again’ Divides Germans, Jews
We sat at a bonfire at the foot of Masada under the stars, discussing the existential threat to Israel from Iran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had made headlines again as he threatened t...
February 9, 2007
Cash for Kim
While U.S. chief negotiator Christopher Hill has been struggling in Beijing to cut a diplomatic de-nuclearization deal with the regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, some of us here in the...
February 8, 2007
In the Border Patrol Case, the Best Defense Is a Good Offense
A report by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general is the occasion for the latest offensive by champions of Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos, the former Border Patrol agents cur...
February 8, 2007
Intelligence Games
Well, we knew this was coming. he...
February 7, 2007
Minority Rule
In 1917, most Russians were not Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks were a minority, but they were fanatical and ruthless. So they prevailed — and for most of the 20th century Russians lived and die...
February 7, 2007
As It Turns Out, Preemption Works
Until its last emperor, Haile Selassie, was overthrown in 1974, Ethiopia's constitution boasted that he descended "without interruption from the dynasty of Menelik I, son of the Queen of Eth...
February 7, 2007
El gobierno de la minoría
En 1917, la mayoría de rusos no eran bolchequive...
February 7, 2007
Guess Hu’s Coming to Dinner
Last week, while much of the coverage by media outlets in the United States and, consequently, American public attention and policy debate remained riveted, as in the preceding weeks, on the situ...
February 6, 2007
At the United Nations, the Curious Career of Maurice Strong
Before the United Nations can save the planet, it needs to clean up its own house. And as scandal after scandal has unfolded over the past decade, from Oil for Food to procurement fraud to peacek...
February 6, 2007
In Gaza, Terror Trumps Press Freedom
An explosion ripped through the Gaza office of pan-Arab news broadcaster al-Arabiya on Jan. 22. The bombing caused severe property damage, but luckily no injuries, as the station had recently shu...
February 6, 2007
The Africa Command Rises – – Finally
Appearing Tuesday before the Senate Armed Services, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced the creation of a new, unified military command for Africa. The move represents the administration&...
February 5, 2007
London Warning: A New Step in Terror
Last Thursday a security report from the UK may have been a low level announcer of a new benchmark in Jihadi terrorism. British Police said it arrested nine, including an Amjad Mahmoud, for &ldq...
February 4, 2007
Time to Act on Iran is Now
Authored by Dr. Richard Saccone An objective look at the ominous threat from Iran provides a clear solution to the policy the United States must pursue. Iran is easily t...
February 4, 2007
What’s Our Iran Policy?
For lo these six-plus years, the Bush administration’s Iran policy has been incoherent. Axis of evil … but no regime change; incorrigible destabilizer supporting both Sunni and Shiit...
February 1, 2007
The FISA Follies Roll On
Over two weeks ago, the Bush administration stunned both supporters and detractors of the National Security Agency’s Terrorist Surveillance Program — heretofore, involving warrantless...
January 31, 2007
The Return of the “Nigerian Taliban”
While the attention of most Africa security analysts and policymakers has been focused recently on the campaign to root out the militant Islamists of Somalia's Islamic Courts Union, evidence...
January 30, 2007
Not One Thin Dime for Abbas
When will the madness end? When will the Bush administration and Condoleezza Rice’s State Department finally stop their deranged midwifery of the Palestinian terror state conceived by the C...
January 28, 2007
The Border-Patrol Two Deserve Jail
“Texans aren’t whiners,” Johnny Sutton told me. Still, forgive him if he sounds a bit frustrated. Sutton is the top federal law-enforcement officer in one of the nation...
January 28, 2007
Don’t Let the Left Have It
In 1968, many decades after shepherding the U.N. Charter through Senate ratification, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson suggested a new clause for the Sunday service litany: “and from...
January 25, 2007
Symposium: Iraq – The Challenge Ahead
FP: Bill Cowan, Carlton Sherwood, Jim Woolsey, Ralph Peters and Andy McCarthy, welcome to Frontpage Symposium. I want to get your views on Saddam’s execution,...
January 24, 2007
¿Combustible exento de terror?
Ud. no tiene que ser un estratega militar de la talla de Sun Tzu o de Carl von Clausewitz para entender esto : Es una mala idea subvencionar las iniciativas de guerra de su enemigo. Pero cada vez...