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July 10, 2007
The Security Challenge of West Africa’s New Drug Depots
Last week, gendarmes in the Senegal seaside resort of Nianing seized fifty-one 24-kilogram sacks containing a record 1.25 metric tons of cocaine with a street value of over $100 million....
July 10, 2007
Can the U.N’s Global Compact Initiative Teach Good Corporate Behavior?
Can the United Nations teach good corporate behavior? That’s the mission of a fast-growing UN initiative called the Global Compact – run out of the Secretary-General’s executive...
July 9, 2007
For Senator Clinton, It’s 1993 All over Again
I n February 1993, just days after their bomb failed to bring down the Twin Towers (though it did kill several people, injure over a thousand, and cause nearly a billion dollars in damage), jihad...
July 8, 2007
Living History .. with the New York Times
“U.S. Aborted Raid on Qaeda Chiefs in Pakistan in ‘05.” So blared the top headline of Sunday’s New York Times. Breathlessly, correspondent Mark Mazzetti reported...
July 4, 2007
The Moral Hazard of Kosovo’s Independence
Last week's summit between President George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin resulted in no "grand bargain" that could pave the way for the birth of an independent Kosovo. The mo...
July 4, 2007
Cabinda: The “Forgotten Conflict” America Can’t Afford to Forget
Because of the sense of urgency repeatedly communicated by this column as well as the parallel efforts of other "Africa hands," the precarious situation of Nigeria – which I have described...
July 3, 2007
Iranian Trip Wire
The West's standoff with Iran reached an ominous point recently when Tehran hinted that it might expel inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency should the U.N. Security Council...
July 3, 2007
Let’s Accept the Truth of Our Own Defeats
As the current situation in Palestine worsens, let Arabs not forget their past. Events that are portrayed as victories by Arab politicians are not always victories for the Arab people. Last month...
July 2, 2007
Andrew McCarthy Discusses Al-Qaeda Prisoner Dentention Case
In this online debate, Senior Fellow Andrew McCarthy discusses the recent al-Marri case in which a divided panel of the Fourth Circuit held that the president could not...
July 1, 2007
Islamic Terror Strikes the U.K. …Again
The investigation of the latest terror plot to target the United Kingdom is very fluid. Right now, the headlines are these: There have been at least three attempted car-bomb attacks, the perpetra...
June 30, 2007
Beyond the Illusions
Steven Rosefielde and D. Quinn Mills, Masters of Illusion: American Leadership in the Media Age (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 568 pp., $34.00. As America's great exp...
June 27, 2007
Hu’s Selling Guns to Africa
In recent years, United States policy makers and analysts as well as American businesses and non-governmental organizations have begun paying closer attention to the already significant – a...
June 27, 2007
Insensatos en Gaza
“Los extremistas se asocian con extremistas”. Así decía esta semana la Secretaria de Estado, Condoleezza Rice, después de oír que Ayman al-Zawahri, el luga...
June 27, 2007
Feckless in Gaza
Extremists link up with extremists." So said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice this week upon hearing that Ayman al-Zawahri, the top deputy to Osama bin Laden, had released a message enthusiast...
June 26, 2007
The Hamas Blitzkrieg
Hamas‘ blitzkrieg in Gaza was “ordered” by the Tehran-Damascus “axis” to make the peace and democratic processes in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Palestine crumble....
June 26, 2007
Light at the End of the Tunnel
If what goes up must come down, every surge must eventually recede. According to recent reports, the current one in Iraq may give way to large-scale withdrawals of U.S. forces as early as spring...
June 24, 2007
Hezbollah, Hamas, and Humanitarians
While most Middle East watchers know about the takeover of Gaza by Hamas and its transformation into the terrorist enclave of "Hamastan," readers of the mainstream press might be surprised to lea...
June 24, 2007
The Profession v. Gitmo
Continuing to beat the drum for a return to September 10th America, the Washington Post reported on Saturday that a military lawyer, fleetingly involved almost three years ago in assessing whethe...
June 22, 2007
Symposium: Strategies of Death
FP: Daveed Gartenstein Ross, Walid Phares, Steven Emerson and Bill Roggio, welcome to Frontpage Symposium. Daveed Gartenstein Ross, let’s begin with you....
June 21, 2007
The End of War as We Know It?
I have been following the Hamas takeover of Gaza with a sense of what Yogi Berra, in reference to Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris, described as "déjà vu all over again." Almo...
June 21, 2007
Gaza: A Joint Iran-Syria Production
The latest dramatic military and terror events in Gaza and Lebanon can be viewed from a regional geopolitical perspective: A Syro-Iranian axis offensive on its (their) primarily western front str...
June 20, 2007
Dónde Lucharemos
Estados Unidos está en guerra contra al Qaeda – en eso seguro que podemos coincidir – y sabemos que al Qaeda tiene bases en Pakistán. De hecho, es probable que Osama bin...
June 20, 2007
Al Qaeda’s Franchise in Africa
More than a year ago, I inaugurated this column with an essay whose title – "The War on Terrorism's Forgotten Front" – laid out what has been one of the recurring themes of this...
June 20, 2007
Our Terrorists Are Better Than Your Terrorists
President Bush’s stirring post-9/11 message that regimes the world over have to choose between aligning with civilization or with terrorists should officially be interred in war-torn &ldquo...
June 19, 2007
A Gathering of BMWs & Tyrannies
Geneva — So, how many BMWs does it take to make one United Nations Human Rights Council? Many — to judge by the scene I came across Monday evening in the parking lot of the U...
June 17, 2007
Iranian Dissidents Gather To Discuss Regime Change
Regime change for Iran may be a dead letter in the loftiest councils of world affairs, but as a prime goal, it is very much alive in the plans of some 200 exiled Iranian dissidents who gathered h...
June 14, 2007
Symposium: Al Qaeda: What Next?
American intelligence has discerned that al Qaeda is rebuilding in Pakistan’s tribal areas and that a new generation of leaders has emerged under Osama bin Laden. T...
June 14, 2007
Syro-Iranian Massacre of Politicians in Lebanon
With the assassination of Lebanese MP Jebran Tueni in December 2006, months after the murder of political leaders George Hawi and Samir Qassir during the summer, the Syro-Iranian terror war room...
June 13, 2007
Jihad’s New Leaders
The recent deaths of prominent Al-Qaeda terrorists such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq and Abu Hafs al-Urdani in Daghestan, as well as a host of less publicized kills and captures, have hastened...
June 13, 2007
Unhappy Anniversary
If one definition of mental illness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results — e.g. “this time the door will break, rather than my head” — tha...
June 13, 2007
Nigeria: Flailing State
On the final day of their summit last week at the German Baltic seaside resort of Heiligendamm, as they are nowadays wont to do, the leaders of the G8 received a select delegation of their Africa...
June 13, 2007
Infeliz Aniversario
El cuadragésimo aniversario de la Guerra de los Seis Días, acaecida del 5 al 10 de junio, dio pie a un aluvión de retrospectivas en los medios de comunicación. Menos a...
June 12, 2007
Will Fraud Conviction Help U.N. Reform Its Secretive ‘Culture of Impunity’?
Co-Authored with George. Russell “Justice has been done.” That’s how United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hailed the conviction for f...
June 11, 2007
Lawfare Strikes Again
Strike another blow for lawfare: The use of the American people’s courts as a weapon against the American people in a war prosecuted by the president — the only public official electe...
June 10, 2007
Conservative Columnist
Next week, President George W. Bush will welcome Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet to the White House, the first Vietnamese head of state to be received there since Nguyen Van Thieu of South...
June 10, 2007
Two Years To Charge Rep. William Jefferson?
Well here's the late-breaking news: Congressman William Jefferson is a scoundrel. The Justice Department finally took its victory lap last Monday, announcing the long-awaited -- I w...
June 7, 2007
Echoes of the Future
THE FACE OF TERROR is constantly evolving as terrorist tactics, and even the foot soldiers trying to attack America, change. When authorities announced last weekend that they had foiled a plot de...
June 6, 2007
Securing the New Strategic Gulf
In his 2006 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush issued a call for the United States to "replace more than 75 percent of our oil imports from the Middle East by 2025" and to "make...
June 5, 2007
Before Talking, See if There is Anything to Talk About
Recently, writing in The Washington Post, US Congressman Darrell Issa made "the case for talking to Syria." However, implementing his proposal would effectively reverse years of multilateral US p...
June 4, 2007
Next Year in Jerusalem
Forty years ago this week, on the third day of the Six-Day War, Israel entered the Old City of Jerusalem. Returning to the Western Wall from which he and all other Jews had, in blatant violation...
June 4, 2007
Military Judge Dismisses Commission Charges Against Omar Khadr
When it comes to figuring out who is with al Qaeda, Omar Khadr is not a close case. In July 2002, Khadr was on the battlefield in Afghanistan, aligned with al Qaeda. During a ferocious f...
June 4, 2007
Quick Lessons From the JFK Plot
The announcement by U.S. authorities of the arrest of three men and the search for another man, all implicated (allegedly by legal perspective) in a plot to kill thousands of people in an...
June 3, 2007
Register’s Last Hurrah?
To understand the challenge faced by Al-Hurra, the U.S. taxpayer-financed Arabic TV network, consider the case of Yasser Thabet. For years, Mr. Thabet has been a leading figure in shaping news co...
June 2, 2007
Killing America…Twice
War is about breaking the enemy’s will. Having laid bare the sorry state of our brains and our guts, jihadists are now zeroing in on the will’s final piece: our hearts. That...
May 30, 2007
Building Security by Ending Impunity: The Trial of Charles Taylor
This being a column devoted to terrorism and other security issues affecting Africa, it regrettably must devote most of its coverage to the bad news of which the continent is all too familiar: po...
May 30, 2007
Defeating a Superpower
To those who see the world through a partisan prism, last week’s congressional vote to continue funding American troops in Iraq looks like a loss for Democrats. On the contrary: Those Democ...
May 30, 2007
Derrotando a Una Superpotencia
A los que vean el mundo a través de un prisma partidista, el voto en el Congreso de Estados Unidos la semana pasada para seguir financiando a las tropas americanas en Irak parece una derro...
May 27, 2007
On Memorial Day We Remember the Fallen
I was born at Fort Carson hospital, to a young West Point graduate from Puerto Rico, and his wife, a beautiful young refugee of the Cuban revolution. My earliest memories are of the U.S. Army tak...
May 26, 2007
Using Mickey Mouse to Incite Terror
THE WORLD REACTED in horror the other week as video spread over newscasts and the Internet of beloved children’s character Mickey Mouse being used to incite Palestinian children to hatred a...
May 24, 2007
U.N.’s Reading List for N. Korea
Not only has the United Nations been caught funneling cash to the rogue regime of North Korea's Kim Jong Il, but it's now emerging that the U.N. Development Program was ordering up book...