Vietnam War

November 29, 2024 | Bradley Bowman, RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery

Trump Can — and Should — Fully Fund Our Military

The Obama and Biden administrations failed to request from Congress sufficient resources for defense. Trump should not make the same mistake.

September 4, 2024 | Clifford D. May

McMaster and commander

Thirteen months as President Trump’s national security advisor

August 30, 2024 | Ben Cohen |

The Nazification of anti-Zionism

It’s designed to make audiences, aided by the ubiquitousness of social media, despise all Jews.

April 10, 2024 | Col. Grant Newsham, Cleo Paskal

NATO Isn’t Defending Guam, But Others Are

NATO provisions don’t include security guarantees for American Pacific Territories. But other U.S. treaty allies do—which is why this week’s meetings in D.C. are so important

January 22, 2024 | Seth J. Frantzman |

The Hamas numbers game: Recruiting new terrorists

As of January 9, Hamas had lost two brigade commanders and 19 of its battalion commanders.

June 15, 2023 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Jerry Hendrix

Marines Need to Move beyond Their Amphibious-Assault Past

Shifting the USMC's concept of operations will help confront China.

December 11, 2022 | Waller R. Newell |

Will the Republican’s Tilt Toward Isolationism End?

Asked “which is the more hawkish party,” anyone remembering the presidencies of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George Bush would immediately answer “the Republicans.”...

May 23, 2022 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Riki Ellison, Bradley Bowman

Guam Needs Better Missile Defenses—Urgently

Here's a two-stage plan to harden this crucial island base against China's burgeoning missile arsenal.

October 28, 2021 | LTG (Ret.) H.R. McMaster |

Preserving the Warrior Ethos

It is corroded, and the necessary restorative work belongs to us all

January 27, 2021 | Dennis Ross, Juan C. Zarate

Are there pieces of Trump’s foreign policy worth keeping?

The shock of the Jan. 6 mob assault on the Congress and the stain on the image of American democracy will not wear off anytime soon. This moment has amplified the impulse to reject the vestiges of Trump...

January 2, 2021 | Cleo Paskal |

In U.S. backyard: How China embedded itself in Canada

Since the 1970s, there have been important political and economic pro-China vectors emanating out of Montreal and Ottawa. Since then, that have broadened to influential pro-Beijing groups across Canada. Canada...

May 7, 2020 | Thomas Joscelyn |

Explaining the Intense Diplomatic Battle Between the U.S. and China

The Chinese Communist Party’s ‘Wolf Warriors’ have Secretary Pompeo in their crosshairs right now, but their agenda will outlast the Trump administration.

January 28, 2020 | Clifford D. May |

Making sure foreign enemies fear the United States military

Strategies must cover conventional, asymmetrical or any types of 'stupid' attacks

May 8, 2017 | Michael Ledeen

War on Campus

Don’t look to college “leaders” to defend free speech and shut down the rioters. It doesn’t work that way. Universities almost always collapse in the face of student prote...

October 2, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Saving Christians From ISIS Persecution

In 1975, as desperate Vietnamese sought to escape Communist rule, the U.S. embarked on what remains one of the greatest humanitarian rescue missions in history. Over the span of several weeks, Op...

January 12, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht The Washington Examiner

CIA Bides its Time

The CIA’s Directorate of Operations doesn’t have an acute memory. But it does have durable institutional sentiments. So here’s a guess: In a few years, few operatives in the cla...

March 21, 2014 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross |

The Lies American Jihadists Tell Themselves

Just three days before Nicholas Teausant tried to leave the United States -- alle...

February 27, 2013 |

A Nasty Piece of Work

A tawdry new book accuses the late Christopher Hitchens of plagiarism—and worse.

January 2, 2013 |

Chuck Hagel’s History of Homophobia

In June 1999, President Bill Clinton named Jim Hormel Ambassador to Luxembourg. Ambassadorships to cushy places like Luxembourg — a landlocked country of 1,000 square miles with half a mill...

August 6, 2012 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Gunpowder & Lead

Nidal Hasan’s “Fairly Benign” Correspondence with Anwar al Awlaki

When Nidal Hasan carried out his notorious massacre at Fort Hood in November 2009, it was quickly revealed that he had previously exchanged between ten and twenty emails with the extremist imam A...