international relations

October 30, 2024 | Bradley Bowman |

How America benefits from its security partnership with Israel

Anyone who has spent time on a playground knows it is good to have friends when bullies come along. That also holds true in international relations. China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are...

January 19, 2024 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Bradley Bowman

The US is failing to quickly field hypersonic missile defense

The Pentagon warned in its annual report to Congress last year that China already possesses “the world’s leading hypersonic arsenal” and is sprinting to field even more advanced offensive...

October 23, 2023 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Bradley Bowman

Here’s how to fix the supplemental’s shortcomings on Taiwan

The White House submitted a $105 billion supplemental spending package to Congress on Friday. The proposal seeks to help three beleaguered democracies — Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan —...

June 20, 2023 | Bradley Bowman, Jack Sullivan

Can NATO Finally Make the 2 Percent Stick?

The Vilnius summit will test whether Europe’s wealthiest countries can get serious about defense.

June 12, 2023 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Bradley Bowman

Five urgent steps to prevent American military defeat in the Pacific

As lawmakers in Washington move this month to consider the fiscal 2024 defense budget and annual defense authorization bill, the United States is on a path toward military defeat in the Pacific. China’s...

October 12, 2022 | Bradley Bowman, RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery

America’s arsenal is in need of life support

The United States is set to face a raft of consequences if urgent measures are not taken to expand its production capacity for military munitions. For many years, the Defense Department and Congress together...

September 14, 2022 | Bradley Bowman, Ryan Brobst

Don’t Just Applaud Ukraine’s Counteroffensive. Time To Send More Weapons

The Ukrainian counteroffensives around Kharkiv and Kherson have erased months of Moscow’s territorial gains and destroyed or captured large amounts of Russian military equipment, ammunition, and...

August 30, 2022 | Bradley Bowman, Sinan Ciddi

Turkey’s Latest Move to Undermine NATO

That it’s considering buying additional missile systems from Russia highlights continued challenges for the United States and its NATO allies.

June 14, 2022 | Bradley Bowman, RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery

Expedite arms deliveries to beleaguered democracies

Fielded combat capabilities — not arms sales announcements from Washington — are what help America’s beleaguered democratic partners such as Taiwan deter and defeat aggression. Despite this fact,...

March 8, 2022 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Bradley Bowman

Apply the Lessons From Ukraine in the Taiwan Strait

With the world’s attention fixed on the national security and humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine caused by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion, a similar disaster is brewing in...

January 13, 2022 | Bradley Bowman, Zane Zovak

Biden Can No Longer Ignore Growing Iran-China Ties

Washington may be tired of the Middle East, but Beijing is just getting started.

October 26, 2021 | Bradley Bowman, Aykan Erdemir

Erdogan’s Belligerence Has U.S., Greece Expanding Ties

Growing military cooperation offers Washington a hedge against Ankara and Moscow.

September 17, 2021 | Behnam Ben Taleblu, Bradley Bowman, David Maxwell

New Cruise Missile Gives North Korea Lethal Capability

The long-range weapon could strike South Korea, Japan, and U.S. bases in the region.

August 20, 2021 | Shany Mor |

Peter Beinart’s Blindness on Israel, Iran and Nuclear Weapons

In a New York Times op-ed predictably hailed as “brave,” Peter Beinart attempts to lay out the case that a prudent American policy on Iran’s nuclear program requires shattering the delicate balancing...

March 31, 2021 | Bradley Bowman, Maj Jared Thompson

Russia and China Seek to Tie America’s Hands in Space

Biden should avoid the treaty trap set by Moscow and Beijing.

March 4, 2021 | Bradley Bowman, Katherine Zimmerman

Biden Can’t Bring Peace to Yemen While Iran Keeps Sending Weapons

The latest round of U.S. diplomacy will fail without additional leverage.

February 10, 2021 | Bradley Bowman |

Trump’s Worst 2 Military Mistakes for Biden to Fix

Some policies may be worth keeping, but Trump’s handling of allies and withdrawals from conflict zones are not among them.

August 24, 2019 | |

Iran’s regime stokes more antisemitism amid Gulf tensions, ADL report

"A Persian-language cartoon published by Fars News in April solely blamed the Jewish people or Israel for tightening U.S. sanctions on Iranian energy exports."

January 22, 2019 |

FDD Launches New Center on Military and Political Power

Names H.R. McMaster as Chairman and Bradley Bowman as Senior Director

December 17, 2018 | David Asher

David Asher Named Senior Fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies

David is an Expert on Countering Money Laundering and Terrorism Finance.