
June 28, 2024 | Richard Goldberg, Connor Pfeiffer

Post-Biden, we must secure the border to address the looming national-security threat

Just two days after that 50 ISIS-linked illegal migrants were on the loose somewhere in the United States, President Biden dismissed the threat of terrorists entering our...

June 22, 2024 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba Exploit the U.S. Border Crisis

Latin America’s authoritarians are cooperating to increase illegal immigration to the United States.

October 1, 2020 | Thomas Joscelyn |

Two More Reasons to Worry About China

Keep an eye on China’s relationship with Cuba, for starters.

February 26, 2020 | John Hannah |

Democrats Fail the Commander-in-Chief Test

Election 2020 On Tuesday, Democrats held yet another debate. And refreshingly, for once, foreign policy was actually on the agenda. Bernie Sanders came under fire for praising authoritarian leaders, Michael...

September 27, 2017 | Clifford D. May

Latin America’s socialist-Islamist-narco-terrorist alliance

At the U.N. last week, President Trump had harsh words for the “socialist dictatorship” that has impoverished Venezuela. He railed against “Islamist extremism” and “...

October 24, 2016 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

Cuba, Iran’s island in the sun

The Obama administration thinks Iran's influe...

February 13, 2015 | Michael Ledeen |

Missiles and Menaces in an Iran-Russia-North Korea Alliance

At the beginning of February, Iran sent a spy satellite into orbit, the first time it had done so in three years. As you'd expect, they bragged about it, ...

December 26, 2014 | Behnam Ben Taleblu FDD Policy Brief |

Reading Washington’s New Cuba Policy in Tehran

President Barack Obama’s overturning of Washington’s longstanding commercial and diplomatic isolation of Cuba earlier this month has grabbed the attention of another country chafing u...

December 18, 2014 | Claudia Rosett |

Historic Day for Washington, Havana…and Pyongyang’s Hackers

On a day when hackers working for North Korea managed to shut down the release of an American movie, on American soil, by threatening terrorist attacks on American theaters, one might have suppos...

July 14, 2014 | |

North Korean Ship Tests the Waters Near America’s Shores

It’s not often that North Korean-flagged freighters turn up near America’s shores, but when they do, they deserve attention. North Korea has a prolific record of arms smuggling, narco...

August 3, 2012 | Michael Ledeen Claremont Review of Books |

The New War Against America

Last January, President Obama went over to the Pentagon to announce deep cuts in defense. He took the occasion to proclaim: “Even as our troops continue to fight in Afghanistan, the tide of...

January 23, 2012 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

World War

Speaking at the Pentagon on January 5th, President Obama proclaimed: “Even as our troops continue to fight in Afghanistan, the tide of war is receding.” He could not be more...

June 13, 2011 | The Weekly Standard

After Fidel

With Castro fading fast, it's time to rethink U.S. policy toward the Cuban regime and give hope to a beleaguered people.

January 12, 2007 | Mario Loyola Wall Street Journal

Reach Out To Cuba’s People

With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visiting Venezuela today, it might be a good time to consider another "change in course" for U.S. policy. The isolation of Cuba, a legacy of the Cold Wa...

December 1, 2006 |

Cambio Means Freedom in Cuba

In the town of Madrugas on the outskirts of Havana, something extraordinary happened in the early evening of November 2. Several dozen agents of the Cuban state security tried to arrest dissident...

September 20, 2005 | American Legion Magazine

Revolutionary Déjà Vu

By: Paul Crespo. Hugo Chavez quotes Fidel Castro when asked what is on the horizon for Venezuela: “A new wave will arrive in Latin America, but in a different form.”...

July 17, 2005 |

Did the CIA “Out” Valerie Plame?

What the mainstream media tells the court ... but won't tell you.