Gordon Brown

February 20, 2015 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

Why The U.S. Can’t Trust Iran And Its Nuclear Plans

The Obama Administration insists Iran has honored its inter...

September 5, 2014 | Reuel Marc Gerecht

A Muslim Identity Crisis

The massive sexual abuse case in Rotherham, England, has revealed again how awkward and self-defeating the Western response often is to matters that touch on religious identity. Although the inde...

November 29, 2013 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Faith-Based Negotiations

O believers, when you encounter the unbelievers marching to battle, turn not your backs to them. Whoso turns his back that day to them, unless withdrawing to fight again...

March 18, 2013 | Robert Barnidge The Hindu |

Not So Strictly Legal

International lawyers must introspect about how their partisan allegiance clouded their determination of the lawfulness of the 2003 Iraq war. As some celebrate and others decry...

March 5, 2012 | James Kirchick Commentary |

The Deceits of Seymour Hersh

Last June, the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker entitled “Iran and the Bomb: How Real Is the Nuclear Threat?” His answer...

August 3, 2011 |

Falling for the Spin of the Gitmo Bar

On March 27, the Christian Science Monitor published an article (“Defending due process for Guantánamo detainees”) extolling the virtues of the attorneys who have rushed to the...

June 15, 2011 | World Defense Review

Beyond Mugabe’s Madness

Even by the ridiculously low procedural standards of Africa's club of presidents-for-life, last Friday's poll in Zimbabwe was a truly pathetic exercise. As Barry Bearak, the Pulitzer Pr...

June 14, 2011 | Washington Times

Osama Targets Europe

The latest message of Osama bin Laden is strangely trying to convince the Europeans — six years later — that they were wrong to follow the United States into Afghanistan. As al Qaeda&...

June 13, 2011 | Weekly Standard

Carrying a Torch for China

Skip the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics, Mr. President.

June 13, 2011 | World Defense Review

Zimbabwe Zigzags Onto Another Rough Patch

The ongoing stand-off in Zimbabwe between incumbent President Robert Mugabe and the main opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, shows how much the political landscape can shift back and forth in t...

June 13, 2011 | The Spectator |

Nice Work: The Taxpayer is Being Stung So This Lord Can Live in Admiralty House

Co-Authored by James Forsyth Mark Malloch-Brown, the minister for Africa, Asia and the UN, was the most prestigious recruit to Gordon Brown’s ministry of all the talents....

July 22, 2010 | Benjamin Weinthal Weekly Standard

Will Germany Continue to Prop up Iran’s Financial Terror Entities?

The European Union is slated this week to wrap up a new round of sanctions. Their goal is to force Iran to suspend its illicit nuclear program. After years of inaction, the European Union is now...

July 21, 2010 | Benjamin Weinthal Jerusalem Post

Germany’s Chance to Get Serious on Sanctions

The European Union is slated this week to wrap up its new round of sanctions. The goal is to force Teheran to suspend its illicit nuclear program. After years of drowsiness, the EU is no...

June 15, 2010 | Mark Dubowitz, Emanuele Ottolenghi Forbes

The Dangers Of Doing Business With Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

You won't find Khatam al-Anbiya traded on a public stock exchange, but if you own stock in a company that is developing Iran's energy resources, you may well be doing business with it....

June 6, 2010 | Jonathan Schanzer The Philadelphia Inquirer |

A Year of Lost Chances by Obama in Iran

Saturday will mark one year since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole a second presidential term in a rigged Iranian election. The response last year was shocking: Hundreds of thousands of angry Iranians f...

April 18, 2010 | Jonathan Schanzer |

Our New Year’s Resolution for Iran — Slap Them With Sanctions

Saturday is the Iranian holiday of Nowruz, marking both the first day of spring and the first day of the Iranian calendar. This year, the holiday is also a milestone for Americans. We've bee...

April 15, 2010 |

To Pressure Iran, Obama Should Work on Europe — Not Russia and China

The Obama administration is squandering valuable time and resources in making extended overtures to Russia and China to join the West's crackdown on Iran's illegal atomic program. Secretary of Stat...

March 18, 2010 | |

Missed Opportunities To Pressure Iran

President Barack Obama stepped into the Oval Office on January 20, 2009, with new strategies to confront Iran's illicit nuclear activity. His bold offer to engage the Mullahs, however futile...

February 24, 2010 |

Can Sanctions “Cripple” Iran?

In 1981, Israeli leaders sent bombers to destroy Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor at Osirak. Rafael Eitan, then Israel's Army Chief of Staff, is said to have explained the motivation succinctly: "T...

February 24, 2010 | Jonathan Schanzer Henry Jackson Society |

Terror Finance and the Transatlantic Relationship

By kind invitation of Ben Wallace MP, the Henry Jackson Society was pleased to be able to host a discussion with Jonathan Schanzer, a former counterterrorism analyst for the Office of Intellig...