
May 31, 2023 | Clifford D. May |

The fantasy of multipolarity

It would lead to brave new world order dominated by Chinese Communists

June 17, 2022 | LTG (Ret.) H.R. McMaster, Gabriel Scheinmann

U.S. Restraint Has Created an Unstable and Dangerous World

Decades of ignoring the menaces posed by Russia and China has led the West to a precipice.

September 19, 2018 | Clifford D. May |

Criminal regimes against the rest of us

Imagine you live in a nice, quiet town and aim to keep it that way. You own a business. Your customers are friendly. Your vendors are honest. People respect o...

June 18, 2013 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

Focus on Chemical Weapons in Syria

Two and half years into the Syrian civil war, with 93,000 confirmed deaths and counting, more than 5 million displaced civilians (that’s 25 percent of the entire population) and evidence of...

September 10, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Why Canada Branded the Iranian Regime as Terrorists

Prior to cutting diplomatic ties on Friday with Tehran, the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper had garnered the reputation among human rights NGOs and media commentators as...

July 5, 2012 | Victoria Coates The Weekly Standard |

Putin Goes to Israel

The significance of the Red Army Monument at Netanya.

May 24, 2012 | Tony Badran |

The Failure to Admit Failure

A recent...

April 19, 2012 | Tony Badran |

Washington Washes Its Hands of Syria

Following the fiasco of peace envoy Kofi Annan’s plan and the monitor mission to Syria, all eyes are on the White House to see what its response will be.   After a meetin...

June 15, 2011 | World Defense Review |

Rising Sun and Dark Continent: Japan’s Courtship of Africa

On May 28, forty African heads of state and government trooped into the Pacifico Conference Centre in the Japanese port city of Yokohama to join their host, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukada, in kickin...

July 7, 2008 | Claudia Rosett Pajamas Media

Punishing Mugabe, Steps 1 & 2

Meeting in Japan, the leaders of the G-7 industrial powers (plus Russia, with which President Clinton made it the G-8) are stymied over how to punish Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, who is this m...

July 7, 2008 | National Interest

Kabuki Diplomacy

  The G8 began coherently enough in 1975 as a vehicle for leveraging the combined political and economic strength of its members in pursuit of their common interest. The six largest...

July 7, 2008 | Claudia Rosett Pajamas Media

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Central Planning

At the G-8 meeting now underway in Japan, the talk is all about targets. Double aid to Africa. Funnel resources as directed under the UN’s 8 millennium development goals, to be met by the y...

June 13, 2007 | Dr. J. Peter Pham World Defense Review

Nigeria: Flailing State

On the final day of their summit last week at the German Baltic seaside resort of Heiligendamm, as they are nowadays wont to do, the leaders of the G8 received a select delegation of their Africa...

July 18, 2006 | USA Today |

Now Isn’t the Time for Restraint

Imagine that this morning 50 missiles were launched from Cuba and exploded in Miami. In addition to buildings and homes being destroyed, scores of Americans were being killed. Now imagine our all...

May 31, 2006 | MERIA Journal |

Putin and Russia’s Middle Eastern Policy

Auhtored by Ilya Bourtman Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently pursuing a two track policy towards the Middle East, allowing Russia to develop friendly ties with Israel...

July 6, 2005 |

Ad in Financial Times Questions Russia’s G8 Membership

Ad in Financial Times Questions Russia's G8 Membe...

July 4, 2005 | Clifford D. May |

You Take the High Road

Whichever route Bush takes to Scotland, it's likely to be rough trip.

March 10, 2004 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service |

A Creeping Coup’: Is Russia Heading Back to the USSR?

When the Soviet Union collapsed, most Russians looked forward to joining the Free World as quickly as possible. Having been a student and a reporter in the USSR, I soon found myself attending con...