January 7, 2024 | Flash Brief

Israeli Government Shows Unity in Response to Hezbollah Provocations

January 7, 2024 | Flash Brief

Israeli Government Shows Unity in Response to Hezbollah Provocations

Latest Developments

Hostilities along the Israel-Lebanon border intensified on January 6 when Hezbollah launched dozens of rockets and guided missiles at an Israeli radar base in Meron. On January 7, Israeli leaders signaled their shared resolve to respond more forcefully to Hezbollah’s provocations and improve Israel’s northern defenses. In a televised statement on January 7, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that securing the Israel-Lebanon border is “a national goal that we all share.” “If we can, we will do it through diplomatic means, and if not, we will act in other ways,” the prime minister added.

Echoing this sentiment, war cabinet minister Benny Gantz, a long-time political rival of Netanyahu, stated that the entire Israeli government is committed to returning northern residents to their homes, safe from any threats. Iran-backed Hezbollah intensified attacks on Israel following Hamas’s October massacre, causing between 80,000 and 100,000 Israelis to evacuate from northern Israel. “The only consideration is Israel’s security,” the minister wrote on X.

Expert Analysis

 “Some in the U.S. will try to cast the Lebanon front as an opportunity for Prime Minister Netanyahu to needlessly draw out the conflict and distract from his legal troubles. But this seriously misreads both Israel’s unity and resolve. The October 7 massacre taught the Jewish state that it can no longer wait out an annihilationist foe on its border. If Hezbollah does not stop its violence and withdraw its terrorists, there is every indication that the IDF will be coming after it with full force.” — Mark Dubowitz, FDD Chief Executive

“Minister Benny Gantz is one of the loudest voices affirming Israel’s determination to push Iran’s Hezbollah threat away from its northern border. Israelis are unified in defending themselves from a terror threat ten times larger than Hamas. The U.S. should support Israel in what would be an unavoidable and defensive counterterrorism action.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

Leaked Government Document Suggests U.S. Cautioning Israel Against Escalation

The Washington Post reported, on January 7, a leaked Defense Intelligence Agency document suggesting that the Biden administration may find Jerusalem ill-equipped to win a two-front war. Reportedly, the Biden administration is concerned about Israel’s ability to turn north given its ongoing operations against Hamas in Gaza.

Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevy recently highlighted the Israeli military’s preparation “in all areas” and observed, on January 3, “we are in a very strong state of readiness in the north, under my impression…I think readiness is at its peak.”

Israel: Time Running Out for Hezbollah to Back Off,” FDD Flash Brief

Here’s how Hezbollah will likely respond to Israel’s assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri,” FDD Senior Fellow David Doud

Israel Focuses On Security In North Amid Hezbollah Threats,” FDD Adjunct Fellow Seth J. Frantzman



Hezbollah Iran Iran Global Threat Network Israel Israel at War Lebanon



Benjamin Netanyahu Benny Gantz Gaza Strip Hamas Hezbollah Iran Israel Israel Defense Forces Jerusalem Jewish people Joe Biden Lebanon The Washington Post U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)