December 5, 2023 | FDD Tracker: November 2, 2023-December 5, 2023

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: December

December 5, 2023 | FDD Tracker: November 2, 2023-December 5, 2023

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: December

Trend Overview

By John Hardie

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch.

President Joe Biden initially offered emphatic support for Israel following the October 7 massacre. But, nearly two months into Israel’s war against Hamas, cracks in U.S. support have emerged. U.S. military assistance continues to flow to Israel, and administration officials say they are not pursuing conditions on that aid, despite calls from some Democrats. The administration is, however, publicly pressuring Jerusalem to curtail civilian casualties as Israeli forces shift their focus to southern Gaza. Israeli media say the Biden team is pushing Israel to bring the war to a close. Separately, the administration continues to provide sanctions relief to Iran and has not responded forcefully to ongoing attacks against U.S. forces by Tehran-backed militias.

On Ukraine, the administration continues to promise that the United States will support Kyiv “for as long as it takes.” But if Washington is to keep that promise, Congress must act. As lawmakers debate a potential Ukraine aid bill, the administration warned that it is “out of money—and nearly out of time.”

Biden met with China’s Xi Jinping when the latter attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco. The administration, hoping to put a floor under deteriorating U.S.-China relations, came away with Chinese promises but few tangible commitments.

Check back next month to see how the administration deals with these and other challenges.


The analyses above do not necessarily represent the institutional views of FDD.