How Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan Gambit Backfired
Beijing’s shock-and-awe military response has created a new normal in East Asia.
Beijing’s shock-and-awe military response has created a new normal in East Asia.
As Israel decouples from China, there will be even greater opportunities for greater cooperation between close allies. Israel must support the US and keep a distance from China.
All eyes are understandably on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan this week as Beijing issues threats and rattles its saber. But those interested in supporting the free people of Taiwan...
Here's a two-stage plan to harden this crucial island base against China's burgeoning missile arsenal.
The most important thing is that you have to establish an effective partnership and build up that deterrent effect—or, if necessary, war winning capability—ahead of time: RADM (Retd) Mark Montgomery.
With the world’s attention fixed on the national security and humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine caused by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion, a similar disaster is brewing in...
Alexandria, VA.: In this edition of “Indo-Pacific: Behind the Headlines”, we speak with Col. David Maxwell (Ret.), a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C. about...
As tensions across the Taiwan Strait escalate, so too does attention to China’s playbook for fighting at sea. Like much of Beijing’s military strategy, that playbook fuses military and...
India and other countries would do well to study how China employs Media Warfare to try to undermine Taiwan’s democratic institutions, fracture national unity, demoralize the public and military, and create social instability in pursuit of its goal of annexing this sovereign country.
Beijing and Moscow are boosting their strategic coordination along with their militaries.
The White House had to walk back his remarks that ‘we have a commitment’ to defend Taiwan against China.
A tale of two speeches.
You already have decades of experience navigating the skies. Now, you will need to navigate the realm of multilateral diplomacy.
Tanzania, Cambodia, and the UAE are on China’s wish list—and now Kiribati, within striking distance of Hawaii.
President Joe Biden and South Korean President Moon Jae-in held their first summit on May 21 in Washington. While public attention has focused primarily on Biden’s and Moon’s respective policies toward...
Suggestions that the People’s Republic is a ‘paper dragon’ are ill-informed and misleading.
The fishing vessels arrived one and two at a time, dropping anchor off the disputed Whitsun Reef near the Philippines. As the Chinese-flagged fleet grew larger, the vessels tethered themselves together,...
The Chinese foreign ministry has expressed outrage over an ambassador’s visit to discuss the pandemic.
While the fiscal 2021 National Defense Authorization Act acknowledges that China’s military is closing the capabilities gap with the United States, it also sows the seeds of an effective gray zone...
The passage of the fiscal year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) marked the moment the budget finally caught up to a grim geostrategic reality: The capabilities gap between the U.S. and...