Realism meets reality
A new book by two leading advocates of the realist school of International Relations inadvertently demonstrates the enduring importance of history, literature and philosophy when dealing with geopolitical crises.
A new book by two leading advocates of the realist school of International Relations inadvertently demonstrates the enduring importance of history, literature and philosophy when dealing with geopolitical crises.
The Russian disinformation machine has spun its latest web of lies. Last week, the Russian Defense Ministry accused the U.S. of preparing to target Russian troops with drones carrying malaria-bearing...
While most of the West focuses on the war in Ukraine, Moscow and Belgrade are fueling the fires over Kosovo on eve of sensitive historic anniversary.
The Kremlin has used NATO’s 1999 intervention to justify Russia’s continual assaults on Ukraine, and won’t miss the upcoming opportunity to exploit this further.
How Russia continues to use the idea of "Russophobia" as a political weapon.
The Serbian government is moving to cancel a long-planned parade in Belgrade this Saturday as part of the annual pan-European EuroPride celebration, hosted in a different European city each year, after...
Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, a whole generation has grown up studying how their ancestors were starved to death on orders from Moscow.
There is a saying that you can push a meek and mild Ukrainian all the way until his forehead touches the ground. Then, he arises a Cossack. With Russia’s frontal attack on Ukraine, the foreheads of 40...
Putin’s horrifying war in Ukraine shows the likely results of the West continuing to ignore Iran’s nuclear quest
A former Soviet republic struggles to become a real republic
Russia is entering a new phase in its disinformation campaign in the Western Balkans, escalating disinformation and propaganda, and aggressively pushing messages of inevitable war with the Europe...
Russian President Vladimir Putin is not happy. The government he backed in Ukraine has collapsed. The Ukrainian leader he favored, Viktor Yanukovych is on the run, a...
At first blush, Ilan Berman’s timing could hardly be worse. His new book, Implosion: Th...
Sixty-five years after the end of World War II, it's reassuring to know that Germany has 'no place for Neonazis.' A more pressin
Márton Gyöngyösi, a member of the Hungarian parliament, does not look the least bit like a neo-Nazi. That may be the most frightening thing about him. Born in 1977 to a...
On this fifth anniversary of 9/11, Frontpage Symposium has assembled a distinguished panel to discuss the significance of that terror attack, what we have done right and wrong since then, a...
The abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, President Bush said, do not represent the America he knows. Sen. Joe Lieberman called what took place there "un-American." They're right, of c...