
September 6, 2024 | Max Lesser, Ari Ben Am

FDD Identifies 19 Websites as Part of an Iranian Global Influence Operation

FDD researchers have uncovered the Iranian role in creating a network of at least 19 websites that present themselves as independent sources of opinion and analysis for audiences across the globe. Other...

February 6, 2024 | |

Iran Reportedly Used UK Banks to Evade U.S. Sanctions

Iran used two banks in the United Kingdom to evade U.S. sanctions via front companies secretly owned by Iran’s Petrochemical Commercial Company (PCC), the Financial Times reported...

September 21, 2023 | Hussain Abdul-Hussain |

Palestinians Need their own Vision 2030

A week after Israel and Saudi Arabia signed an MOU for the establishment of a seven-nation, cross-border, ship-to-rail transit network, Saudi media reported that Riyadh has suspended normalization...

April 5, 2023 | Ivana Stradner |

Russia is using ‘woke’ narratives to discredit Britain

Moscow’s trolls have been deployed to polarise the population, portraying the UK as a deeply racist and imperialistic nation

January 28, 2022 | Craig Singleton |

Xi Jinping Is Watching His Back

His rhetoric has taken a paranoid turn—and holing himself up in Beijing hasn’t helped.

July 22, 2020 | Thomas Joscelyn |

The U.K. Has Its Own Russia Problem

A new report highlights various schemes by Vladimir Putin.

August 29, 2018 | David May

FIFA Punishment for Palestinians is Insufficient

FIFA handed Jibril Rajoub, head of the Palestinian Football Association (PFA), a...

May 30, 2018 | Clifford D. May

Beyond Orientalism

Bernard Lewis, the incomparable scholar of the Middle East and Islam, died last week.  I cannot claim to have known Professor Lewis well, but one didn’t need to spend much time in his...

November 20, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn |

The Long War Continues

In many ways, the reaction to the horrific attacks in Paris has been familiar. There were the expressions of solidarity: flowers at French embassies; social media avatars changed from silly selfi...

September 23, 2014 | Clifford D. May

British Lessons

I imagine James Bond is relieved. After all, one can’t very well be “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” if one is no lon...

September 19, 2014 | Thomas Joscelyn |

They Have a Strategy

During a press conference on August 28, Barack Obama had a rare moment of candor. “We don’t have a strategy yet,” the president said in response to a question about the prospect...

July 4, 2014 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

The Man And The Myth

Urbi et Orbi, the city and the world, Tehran and the globe. In his turban and clerical robe, softly speaking of peace, Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, resembles a spiritual guide mor...

March 26, 2014 | Clifford D. May |

The Power-Hungry vs. the War-Weary

Russia’s Vladimir Putin, seething over the collapse of the Soviet Empire, wants to become the hegemon of Eurasia — at least. Iran’s Ali Khamenei, outraged by the...

January 14, 2014 | Thomas Joscelyn |

Know Your Enemy

In the summer of 2008, Barack Obama, senator and presidential candidate, toured the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama had endeared himself to the antiwar left by denouncing President Bush’s d...

November 29, 2013 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Faith-Based Negotiations

O believers, when you encounter the unbelievers marching to battle, turn not your backs to them. Whoso turns his back that day to them, unless withdrawing to fight again...

July 25, 2013 | Clifford D. May |

Wishing for an Iranian Moderate

There’s nothing wrong with wishful thinking — unless it gets confused with serious thinking. Policy makers and legislators have a professional responsibility to resist that temptation...

June 17, 2013 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Rowhani Is a Tool of Iran’s Rulers

The odds are poor that the election of Hassan Rowhani to the presidency will change Iranian society or diminish the...

May 13, 2013 | Benjamin Weinthal |

EU Moving Toward Ban of Hezbollah Military Wing

Co-authored by Jonny Paul The European Union has moved toward a consensus on outlawing the armed wing of Hezbollah, with its inclusion on the EU terror list slated to take place...

November 19, 2012 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Jihadology |

Perceptions of the “Arab Spring” Within the Salafi-Jihadi Movement

Co-authored by Tara Vassefi “The popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain have not only shaken the foundation of the authoritarian order in the...

November 2, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal The Jewish Chronicle |

German MPs Do Business with Iran

European politicians in Brussels and Berlin have unleashed a storm of criticism over their planned trips to meet representatives of Iran’s regime. A group of five left-wing MEPs ha...