National Review

June 13, 2011 | National Review Online

The Company He Keeps

Meet Obama's circle: The same old America-hating Left.

April 20, 2011 |

Obama Gives Islamists a Walk

When the first line of defense is “Bush did it, too,” you can rest assured that there is no second line of defense. And on allegations that the Justice Department intervened to preven...

April 8, 2011 |

From Benghazi to Tel Aviv

Libya is not the only Middle Eastern country in which innocent people are threatened.

March 30, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal The Jewish Press

What Drives Celebrity Anti-Semitism?

In a span of several weeks, a motley group of celebrities ranging from the composer of "Zorba the Greek" to a British fashion designer to an American television actor - as well as the Australian...

March 19, 2011 |

Go to Congress First

Conservative infighting over whether the United States should intervene militarily in Libya is sign of good health. To remain vital, an ideological movement needs to have its basic assumptions ch...

January 19, 2011 | National Review Online

Wrong on Rauf

Imam Feisal Rauf, the cleric behind the provocative Ground Zero Mosque (GZM) project, as one critic put it, “is no moderate. He presents himself as a peacemaking Islamic Gandhi, but he is i...

December 20, 2010 | National Review Online |

Advise, Don’t Consent

President Obama is writing to the wrong people, and those wrong people are hopelessly confused about his power and their own. This is how bad agreements are born. Senate Republicans coul...

December 16, 2010 | Andrew McCarhy National Review Online |

The Transies and the Treaty

Here is what you need to understand about the Republican party’s transnational progressives, folks like Condoleezza Rice, John McCain, Richard Lugar, and Lindsey Graham: They proceed from t...

December 4, 2010 | National Review Online |

Missile Malpractice

Show me where in the Constitution it says the government — created by the people in order to serve the people — is empowered to mandate that those selfsame people buy health insurance...

October 20, 2010 |

Who Says Islam Is Totalitarian?

Who says Islam is a totalitarian doctrine? Well, Geert Wilders does, of course. As the editors point out in Monday’s superb National Review Online editorial, the Dutch parliamentarian has e...

October 6, 2010 |

Judge Excludes Damning Testimony Against Al Qaeda Terrorist, Ahmed Ghailani

A judge's reason for excluding damning testimony against al Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ghailani makes no sense. The government’s case against Ahmed Ghailani, the terrorist who part...

August 5, 2010 | Jonathan Schanzer

Do Gaza Flotillas Provide Material Support to Hamas?

Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy recently argued at National Review Online that the federal government has reason to investigate Rashid Khalidi, an activist Middle Eastern studies professo...

March 25, 2010 |

So, You Still Want to Close Gitmo?

Mohamedou Slahi is responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans. He was a core member of the 9/11 conspiracy — the recruiter of Mohamed Atta and the other ringleaders. If he’d...

October 21, 2009 | |

The Problem of Evil

Since 9/11, Michael Ledeen has been warning that this war against America was never about Afghanistan or Iraq, but has always been a regional war, with malefactors are up to no good around the wo...

October 13, 2009 | |

Accomplice to Evil: Iran and the War Against the West by FDD Freedom Scholar Michael Ledeen

Press Release October 13, 2009 CONTACT: Judy Mayka 202-621-3948 [email protected]   Accomplice to Evil: Iran and the...

June 5, 2009 |

Making Believe

Making Believe Obama's speech was deep in fable, short on fact. The Islamic world has heard the much anticipated speech about the relationship between Islam and America from...

December 18, 2008 | Clifford D. May |

Where We Fight

It's of little consequence to most of us what historians of the future will say about George W. Bush. More important is whether there will be historians in the future who can work in freedom...

December 8, 2008 |

The Role of Consensus in the Contemporary Struggle for Islam

Jordan's King Abdullah II launched an ambitious project in November 2004 designed to address some of the thorniest theological issues currently facing Muslims. The project, known as the "Amman Message," expressly holds that non-Muslims can reasonably "expect certain things from Muslims" in the contemporary context, in which Muslims and non-Muslims have unprecedented contact.[i] The Amman Message was self-consciously launched against the backdrop of the "global war on terror," where predominantly stateless terror networks claiming allegiance to Islam have managed to drastically alter the geopolitical landscape.

October 7, 2008 |

FDD Welcomes Counterterrorism and Military Analysts as Adjunct Fellows

“Since our founding shortly after the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has been intensely involved in research and public debate over the policies a...

October 7, 2008 |

Why Won’t Obama Talk About Columbia?

Barack Obama does not want to talk about Columbia. Not even to his good friends at the New York Times, who’ve so reliably helped him bleach away his past — a past neck-deep in the har...