FDD In The News
Iran and the Myth of the Pro-Regime Backlash Emanuele Ottolenghi – The Wall Street Journal Would a U.S. military strike against Iran kill anti-regime sentiment inside the...
Iran and the Myth of the Pro-Regime Backlash Emanuele Ottolenghi – The Wall Street Journal Would a U.S. military strike against Iran kill anti-regime sentiment inside the...
Iran and the Myth of the Pro-Regime Backlash Emanuele Ottolenghi – The Wall Street Journal What’s Obama’s Plan B After Arab League Monitors? Tony...
Iran and the Myth of the Pro-Regime Backlash Emanuele Ottolenghi – The Wall Street Journal What’s Obama’s Plan B After Arab League Monitors? Tony...
Iran and the Myth of the Pro-Regime Backlash Emanuele Ottolenghi – The Wall Street Journal What’s Obama’s Plan B After Arab League Monitors? Tony...
Continental Europe's zig-zag course with sanctioned Iranian officials remains a counterproductive leftover vestige to the EU's nearly 30 year failed policy of dialogue with Tehran'...
Now that runoff results are in from the first round of Egypt’s parliamentary elections, it’s clear that the Islamists are running the board. As Samuel Tadros writes in the...
Islamophobia is not an irrational fear, nor is it the fear of Islam.
The German Holocaust foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, Future - EVZ - is in a state of denial concerning misuse of public funds meant to largely compensate the victims of the Shoah but used...
Zero. If you’re keeping score, that would be the number of American citizens assassinated so far by President Obama. Oddly enough, it turns out to be the same number of our countrymen kille...
Women will always be serfs under sharia.
It was early 2002, right after the State of the Union Address in which President George W. Bush famously linked Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical Iraqi regime in an “axis of evil” wit...
Earlier this year, citing an array of new initiatives including the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and the President's Emergency Plan for...
Three leading American experts assess the Administration's policies in the Middle East. President George W. Bush started his last year in office with a visit to the Middle East. Whe...
Last Friday was the twenty-eighth anniversary of Zimbabwe's independence, although the country's long-suffering people of the country might be forgiven for not exactly marking the occas...
The end of one year and the beginning of another is a good time both to take stock of where we have been and to look ahead at the paths we are likely to take and the battles which we will have to...
Critics warm to the surge.
Michael Ledeen's tour de force shows the war with Iran is already on, whether we choose fight it or not.
Still lookin' for love in all the wrong places.
On torture and executive power, Democrats sing a different tune when the president is … a Democrat.
Are John McCain’s supporters trying to drive conservatives away from their candidate? Senator McCain is the inevitable Republican presidential nominee. He is headed, though, for a...