Angela Merkel’s Ugly Romance With the Iranian Regime
Why Germany seeks to increase trade with a murderous theocracy bent on Israel’s destruction.
Why Germany seeks to increase trade with a murderous theocracy bent on Israel’s destruction.
FDD Research Memo
Speaking at the U.N. General Assembly last week, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani ...
There is a small window of time for the United States and its allies to determine what kind of nuclear technologies are delivered to Tehran, and by whom. And the clock is already ticking....
The non-EU member Switzerland became the first Western country to lift sanctions...
Since the world powers reached an interim agreement to slow down Iran’s nuclear weapons program last year, there has been an astonishingly fast-paced change by some European countries and i...
“To my esteemed enemy, Mohammad-Javad Zarif.” Iran’s former ambassador to the United Nations remains very proud of this dedication in his copy of Henry Kissinger’s ...
I was a secret back channel to the Khomeini Regime in 1985. If you're interested in all the details, help yourself to ...
Big Win for Iran: Their killers set free in Syria
Over and over again, we are told that direct U.S.-Iranian negotiations would be a radical departure from past practice, and might decisively improve the “relationship.” Both...
Germany appeared over the past several months to have finally fallen in line behind European Union efforts to stiffen economic sanctions against Iran. But in late October a group of German parlia...
European politicians in Brussels and Berlin have unleashed a storm of criticism over their planned trips to meet representatives of Iran’s regime. A group of five left-wing MEPs ha...
President Obama's efforts to isolate Iran’s rogue regime is drawing a cool response from some key European lawmakers, who may be putting trade over principle. A group of Germa...
As the world witnesses the Syrian and Iranian regimes commit countless human rights abuses and, in Iran’s case, move ever closer to perfecting its nuclear capabilities, there’s a comm...
Criticato per il terribile record di condanne a morte del suo governo (compreso il numero più elevato di esecuzioni di minori nel mondo) il presidente dell’Alto Consiglio per i Dirit...
Responding to criticism of Iran’s abysmal record in death sentences (including the highest number of child executions in the world), Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of Iran’s High C...
Germany has a bizarre way of working through its history. While the government, rhetorically at least, opposes Iran's nuclear weapons program as a threat to Israel's security, members of its parlia...
After summering in Malaysia and assorted petro-capitals of the Arabian Gulf, the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is back in America - though not for long. His...
If you look past the rhetoric, the realities - or should I say the morphing unrealities? - of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center project grow ever more curious. P...