Left-wing politics

October 19, 2016 | Benjamin Weinthal |

The German Left’s Undeclared War on Israel

The historian Jeffrey Herf's profound new book shows that German-animated left-wing terrorism targeting Israel was not a tactic but rather part of a long-war strategy to destroy the Jewish s...

February 4, 2016 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

The Revolution Devours Its Own

Laura Secor surprised me. I had expected to read yet another journalist’s account of an Iran where “reformists,” though bruised and battered, remain hopeful and allied to &ldquo...

June 18, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal

Children Raised in Nazi Period Carried Forward Anti-Semitism, Study Says

The 12 years of Nazism (1933-1945) inculcated young Germans with anti-Jewish ideas that continued after the defeat of Hitler, according to a new study on anti-Semitism. The study, which...

January 16, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal Fox News

Europe Needs Straight Talk About Radical Islam

BERLIN –  Europe’s timid approach to Islamic terrorism imploded last week with the horrific jihadi-animated murder of 17 men and women in Paris, including most of the cartoonists...

September 15, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal

Analysis: In Germany a gap between ‘Never Again-Jew-Hatred’ and real action?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered a characteristically excellent speech against anti-Semitism on Sunday in the heart of the country’s government district. She lambast...

April 15, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

No Charity

On April 8, German police officers raided the offices of the innocuously named Lebanon Orphan Children Project (Waisenkinderprojekt Libanon e.V.) across six states in the Federal Republic. They&n...

September 23, 2013 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Analysis: What Does Angela Merkel’s Election Win Mean for Israel?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s third consecutive electoral victory  has profound consequences for Israel’s support in Europe and its security cooperation with the Federal Repu...

November 27, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal The Jerusalem Post

Vienna Protesters Call for ‘Death to Jews’

Anti-Israel demonstrators gathered on Friday in the heart of Vienna, protesting Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense and chanting slogans calling for the murder of Jews and bashing the Jewi...

September 4, 2012 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Princeton’s Iranian Agent of Influence

The cautionary tale of Seyed Hossein Mousavian

August 14, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Groups Demand Halt of Berlin Anti-Israel March

The daily (B.Z.) Berliner Zeitung's‘s popular columnist Gunnar Schupelius has called on the Berlin authorities to ban a pro-Iranian regime demon...

May 17, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy Ordered Liberty

Tea Party Should Oppose Latest Terrorist Bill of Rights

The reckless crew is at it again. Libertarian extremists, who purport to be the face of the tea party movement, and their pals on the Lawyer Left, whose obsession is more rights for mass...

March 15, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy National Review Online |

Syria Debate: I Didn’t Miss the Totalitarian Angle; I Wrote the Book On It

There is not much with which to argue in Michael’s last salvo, but I do think I’m entitled to...

January 9, 2012 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

You Cannot Reform a Totalitarian (You’ve Got to Defeat Him)

Back when I was even younger, and living in Rome, the main topic of conversation was of course Communism. Italy had the largest Communist Party outside the Soviet Union, and it was forever on the...

December 1, 2011 |

Democracy Project Triumph: Islamists Surge Ahead in Egyptian Elections

It would be hard to overstate what a catastrophe the Egyptian elections are shaping into. Reports abou...

October 21, 2011 | Andrew McCarthy National Review Online

The Justice Department and the Islamists

At the Daily Caller, Neil Munro has an important report this morning about the Obama...

October 3, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal Haaretz |

An Opportunity for an Apology

The United Nations issued a rare vindication for Israel this month, when it found that the naval blockade of Gaza does not violate international law. Now that the Palmer Report, which investigate...

July 7, 2011 | Faster, Please! |

Iran Approaching Fission? I’m Talking Politics, Not Nukes…

The mullahs have stepped up their tempo of killing, both at home and abroad.  The main difference is that the Iranian citizens who are tortured and executed are slaughtered by fellow-Iranian...

June 30, 2011 |

Germany’s Left Party: Be Disturbed

It has been a while since a leader of a German party called for the political exclusion of the head of Germany's Jews. Last week, Klaus Ernst, co-chairperson of the anti-Israel Left Party, c...

June 30, 2011 |

The Obama Administration Opens Formal Contacts With the Muslim Brotherhood

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Besides explaining what the Muslim Brotherhood is and has always been, the major point of The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the West Sabotage America was to...

June 28, 2011 |

Passionate About Jew-Hate

Germany's Left Party hard on Israel, remains silent on real human rights abusers