Border security is national security
That used to be common knowledge
That used to be common knowledge
Hezbollah, a highly trained and disciplined terrorist group, is now facing chaos and vulnerability after a large number of its members were injured by exploding communication devices.
Germany’s best selling paper Bild broke the story and showed screenshots of the Tweets on its website, stating the diplomat liked a large number of “antisemitic and anti-Israel” tweets.
Germany's largest neo-Nazi party NPD declared at a European parliament debate last month in Strasbourg that his party fully supports the Islamic Republic of Iran and wants all sanctions lift...
The president has described the Boston terrorists as “self-radicalized,” and his voice is but one in a great chorus insisting that we face a major threat from Americans gone bad, almo...
In December 2011, when Ron Paul was leading the Republican presidential-primary pack in the Iowa caucuses, the former Texas congressman’s notorious newsletters resurfaced in the national de...
On Monday, I invited Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi to visit Berlin's Holocaust Memorial....
It came as no surprise that members of the State Department's Camel Corps felt it necessary to condemn the movie The Innocence of Muslims even as a mob of film critics lay siege to a US emba...
Today I was a panelist at the rollout event for a new report published by the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, Emily Berman's Domestic Int...
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki dropped his planned visit to the Netherlands on Tuesday because US sanctions meant his Iran Air plane might be refused fuel. "Mr. Mottaki canc...
The criminal complaint against Luqman Abdullah and his associates states that when al-Ummah succeeds in establishing a "separate, sovereign Islamic state," they intend for it to be led by Jamil a...
On this fifth anniversary of 9/11, Frontpage Symposium has assembled a distinguished panel to discuss the significance of that terror attack, what we have done right and wrong since then, a...
Did we invite them over?
The Spanish Inquisition, the Thirty-Years-War, John Brown's Pottawatomie Massacre, the terrorist attacks of the Irish Republican Army, the Oklahoma City bombing — these are just a few...
The nexus in militant Islam between advocacy and actual savagery is no longer contestable. It has been the subject of too much informed analysis and, more importantly, is an empirically demonstra...
Religious intolerance is flatly un-American. So let's everybody just get off the back of Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin. Boykin, of course, is the decorated veteran of special oper...
The war liberated millions. But the post-war period proved difficult. Members of the former regime went underground and continued to fight, using terrorist tactics – even against their fell...