Khalifa Belqasim Haftar

February 5, 2025 | Caleb Weiss |

US, UAE conducting airstrikes in northern Somalia

On February 1, the United States launched at least six airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) in Somalia’s semi-autonomous northern region of Puntland in support of that region’s current military...

May 21, 2024 | Seth J. Frantzman |

Egypt’s relationship with Hamas: What does history tell us?

October 7 deeply impacted Egypt, however, Cairo has not appeared to excoriate Hamas for the attack, leaving questions about how this all transpired.

March 27, 2023 | Sinan Ciddi |

Erdogan’s Charm Offensive Will Not Satisfy Egypt, Syria, or Israel

Wherever you look, Erdogan wants a “reset” and “rapprochement.” But in every single case, there will be a price to pay.

February 1, 2023 | Clifford D. May |

Soldiers of Misfortune

The Wagner Group isn’t playing

September 29, 2022 | Madison Urban, CPT Sara Downing

The Wagner Group: Paramilitary Terrorism

President Biden recently stated he would deny congressional resolutions to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The president’s response comes amid a broader discussion of how to counter...

April 23, 2020 | Tzvi Kahn |

COVID-19 in Libya

The coronavirus has barely affected Libya, according to official statistics, but the true number of cases is likely underreported. An ongoing civil war, a large refugee and migrant population, and a deficient...

January 15, 2020 | Aykan Erdemir, Brenna Knippen

Turkish Voters – and Putin – Will Restrain Erdogan’s Libya Ambitions

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to turn the tide of the civil war in Libya, but the pushback from the Turkish electorate – and Russian President Vladimir Putin – is likely to restrain his...

May 6, 2019 | Thomas Joscelyn |

Islamic State loyalists fight on in Libya

A team of Islamic State jihadists raided a military camp in the southern Libyan city of Sebha on May 4. It was the latest in a string of small-scale operations carried out by the so-called caliphate a...

January 11, 2019 | Romany Shaker

U.S. Balanced Approach on Libya: A Good Step Forward But Not Enough

For years, the United States has distanced itself from the national reconciliation process in Libya, adopting a ...

November 6, 2018 | Romany Shaker |

Islamic State Attacks Central Town to Cement Its Foothold in Libya

Islamic State (IS) militants on October 28 launched a surprise...

August 10, 2018 | Romany Shaker

France vs Italy in Libya: The U.S. Should Not Choose Sides

After meeting with President Donald Trump on July 30, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte...

June 7, 2018 | Romany Shaker, Boris Zilberman

Russia and Egypt are Growing Closer

As Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi begins his second term, a new chapter in Egyptian-Russian relations is being written. Disappointed by U.S. policy, Cairo has strengthened its ties with...

August 7, 2017 | Jonathan Schanzer

Qatar’s Support Of The Worst Of The Worst In Libya Must End

Libya’s eastern-based government joined Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt in cutting ties with Qatar in June, with ...

April 3, 2017 | Boris Zilberman |

Russia’s Charm Offensive in North Africa

With the world’s attention focused on the question of Russian influence in the United States and the European Union, the Kremlin is quietly making inroads in anot...

February 13, 2017 | Oren Kessler |

Egypt Picks Sides in the Syrian War

On February 1, a military transport plane left a Russian airbase in Latakia, Syria, landed at an airfield...

February 23, 2016 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross |

Neither Remaining Nor Expanding: The Islamic State’s Global Expansion Struggles

Co-written with Nathaniel Barr Judging from the Islamic State’s propaganda, it would appear the group is rapidly overtaking the Muslim world. The Islamic State has declare...

March 2, 2015 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Is Libya the Next Stronghold of the Islamic State?

Co-authored by Nathaniel Barr Exactly four years after the protests that kicked off the Libyan revolution, the country has again...

February 26, 2015 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

New Report by FDD Scholar Outlines Civil War in Libya

WASHINGTON- A new report authored by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, outlines how Libya’s civil war between the Dignity and Dawn campaig...

January 28, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn FDD Policy Brief |

Libyan Ansar al-Sharia Leader Gets Medical Treatment in Turkey

Ansar al-Sharia Libya confirmed this weekend that its leader, Mohamed al-Zahawi, had passed away from wounds sustained last year. Ansar al-Sharia is a jihadist group best-known outside of Libya f...

January 5, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn The Long War Journal

Ansar al Sharia Libya Showcases Spoils of War, Key Personalities in Video

Ansar al Sharia, an al Qaeda-linked group in Libya, has released a six-minute-long video showing its spoils won during a recent battle against forces loyal to General Khalifa Haftar. The group cl...