Muslim countries meeting in Gambia condemn Israel ‘genocide’
Iran tried to use OIC meeting against Israel and wording in the final declaration may reflect Iran’s success.
Iran tried to use OIC meeting against Israel and wording in the final declaration may reflect Iran’s success.
Zalmay Khalilzad, the former Special Repressive for Afghanistan Reconciliation and the key architect of the Doha Agreement which aided the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, claimed that Al Qaeda’s...
The Republic of Azerbaijan will host the annual UN Climate Change Conference known as COP29 in November 2024. For many who will attend COP29 and follow the process, this will be their first...
Israel continues to withdraw reserve units that were part of the ground operation in Gaza. The 646th Reserve Brigade had been fighting in the Gaza Strip for several months, the IDF said in a statement...
Most leaders in the region want closer relationships with other democracies, especially in economic development, education, and health care, so that they have option to China’s CNP (Comprehensive National Power) onslaught.
President Donald Trump recently announced his decision to invoke the so-called “snapback” mechanism at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to re-impose UN sanctions and restrictions on...
While America staggers from coronavirus lockdown to riot curfew, China is pushing out at sea, on its borders, in its legal claims, and in the global economy. America and its allies have begun to realize...
On January 19, the Pentagon released its new National Defense Strategy. The second paragraph of the 14-page declassified summary painted a dire picture. “Today, we are emerging from a perio...
The Cipher Brief: Is there significant evidence of terrorist groups turning to virtual currencies for funding? Why do you think that is? Yaya Fanusie: ...
Download full testimony here Cha...
Chairman Menendez, Ranking Member Corker, and distinguished members of the committee, on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies,it is a...
“If you want meaningful moderation in Islam, then turn for more lessons to the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, Indonesia.” I imagine my colleague Irshad Manji is having...
It isn’t al-Qaeda that’s slaughtering religious minorities in Muslim lands.
The Arab Spring was not hijacked
Michael Gerson’s assault on Newt Gingrich’s opposition to the Arabian version of Islamic law [“...
Islam or Islamist? That is the question. Is the term “Islamist” a politically correct fabrication to dodge the inconvenient truth that Islam itself is inhere...
TEHRAN May 8 (Shana): Deputy Minister of petroleum for refining and distribution, Alireza Zeighami reported of 600 million dollars investment by Naftiran Intertrade Company (NICO) in the Persian Gu...
On the northeast corner of Madison Avenue and 25th Street stands the Manhattan Appellate Courthouse, a Corinthian-columned marble palace built in 1900 by architect James Brown Lord. Gracing the r...
The Long War against radical Islam is a war of ideas as much as a war of arms. Yet, for much of the past decade, the incitement and violent propaganda emanating from satellite television stations...
If you listen to U.S. officialdom, Iran is a pariah, cast out by the world community for its sanctions-violating, nuclear-wannabe ways. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has just warned Latin Amer...