Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi

October 27, 2022 | Caleb Weiss |

Analysis: Al Qaeda ideologue calls for jihad in Sudan, provides guidelines

Earlier this month, Bayt al Maqdis, a jihadi publishing house believed linked to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), released a book compiled of various letters written by the ideologue Abu Hudhayfah...

July 20, 2021 | Thomas Joscelyn |

U.S. transfers Guantánamo detainee who allegedly led forces at Tora Bora

The U.S. State Department announced on July 19 that Abdul Latif Nasir, a detainee held at Guantanamo since 2002, had been transferred to his native country of Morocco. Nasir’s transfer from Guantánamo...

April 8, 2016 | Thomas Joscelyn The Weekly Standard

Two More ‘High’ Risk Detainees Transferred from Gitmo

Secretary of State John Kerry praised the Republic of Senegal today “for offering humanitar...

April 4, 2016 | Thomas Joscelyn

Treasury Department: Charity run by Scottish-born jihadist an al Qaeda ‘front organization’

At first blush, Al Rahmah Welfare Organization (RWO) is a charity that serves orphans, widows and the downtrodden in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and elsewhere. The group’s web page and soc...

January 5, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn The Long War Journal

Analysis: Osama bin Laden’s Documents Pertaining to Abu Anas al Libi Should be Released

A senior al Qaeda operative known as Abu Anas al Libi has died in the US as he was awaiting trial. Al Libi was ca...

July 25, 2013 | Thomas Joscelyn

Al Qaeda’s Jailbreaks Fuel the Fight

Al Qaeda’s jailbreaks have been an all too common occurrence in the post-9/11 world. And they have directly fueled the fight. Chances are the massive jailbreak in Iraq this week will cause...

June 6, 2012 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Abu Yahya al Libi Killed in Latest Drone Strike, US Officials Say

US intelligence officials said they believe that Abu Yahya al Libi, al Qaeda's second in command and a top religious figure and ideologue, was killed in yesterday's drone strike in Paki...

March 9, 2012 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Al Qaeda Leader Ilyas Kashmiri Spotted at Taliban Meeting

A senior al Qaeda leader who is one of the terror group's most dangerous military commanders and strategists, and who was reportedly killed in a drone strike last June, has been spotted at a...

March 9, 2012 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Al Qaeda Leader Ilyas Kashmiri Spotted at Taliban Meeting

A senior al Qaeda leader who is one of the terror group's most dangerous military commanders and strategists, and who was reportedly killed in a drone strike last June, has been spotted at a...

May 16, 2011 | Clifford D. May

Wet Work

 Osama bin Laden sleeps with the fishes. His deputy, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad sleeps between clean sheets, eats three square meals a day and receives the same quality medical care as U.S. mili...

March 3, 2011 | World Defense Review

The Battle for Libya: Implications for Africa

As battle lines crisscross between the rebels marching west to overthrow him and loyal military units taking the offensive against rebel-held towns in the eastern Libya, Colonel Muammar al-Qadhaf...

December 16, 2010 | Thomas Joscelyn The Long War Journal

Lady al Qaeda’ in Propaganda

Top al Qaeda ideologue Abu Yahya al Libi has released a new propaganda tape, entitled "Aafia Siddiqui...Captivity and Oppression, So Where Are the Heroes?" Al Libi calls on Muslims to wage jihad...

October 28, 2010 | The Long War Journal

Al Qaeda Martyrdom Tape Shows Nature and Extent of Terror Group’s Reach in Afghanistan

A recently released al Qaeda martyrdom videotape identifies five foreign commanders who have fought and died in Afghanistan within the past few years. The profiles of these commanders reveal that...

May 21, 2009 |

A Tale Of Two Libyans

Note: The Libyan democratic dissident Fathi Eljahmi, one of the subjects of this column, died in Jordan just hours after it was published. Fathi Eljahmi gave his life for the cause of fr...

October 16, 2008 |

Profile of an Ideologue, Abu Yahya al-Libi

August 20, 2008 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Al Qaeda safe house targeted in South Waziristan strike

Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the tribal areas. Map from PBS' Frontline. Click to view. An attack on an al Qaeda safe house in Pakistan's lawless tribal agency of South...

August 13, 2008 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Cross-border strike targets one of the Taliban’s 157 training camps in Pakistan’s northwest

Hangu is the latest district to fall under Taliban control. The government signed peace agreements in the red agencies/ districts; purple districts are under de facto Taliban control;...

August 12, 2008 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Al Qaeda’s commander in Afghanistan rumored killed in Pakistan

Mustafa Abu Yazid on As Sahab, al Qaeda's propaganda arm. . Unconfirmed reports from Pakistan indicate that Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda's commander in Afghanistan,...

August 3, 2008 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Al Qaeda confirms WMD expert Abu Khabab killed in South Waziristan strike

Abu Khabab, via the US Rewards for Justice website. Al Qaeda has confirmed that Abu Khabab al Masri, the chief of the terror group's weapons of mass destruction program,...

July 28, 2008 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Six killed in strike in South Waziristan

Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the tribal areas. Map from PBS' Frontline. Click to view. Three foreign terrorist are among six killed in a targeted strike in Pakistan's...