Harry S. Truman

October 13, 2023 | Aaron MacLean |

America cannot ignore the Middle East

Despite calls to refocus American grand strategy towards Europe and Asia, events in Israel show that the United States cannot abandon its commitments in the Middle East.

July 23, 2023 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Cloak and Swagger

REVIEW: ‘Spies: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West’ by Calder Walton

November 26, 2022 | Cleo Paskal |

‘PRC’s political warfare is total war without fighting major kinetic wars’

Kerry Gershaneck, a former US Marine officer and a university professor, speaks to The Sunday Guardian.

May 25, 2022 | Clifford D. May |

NATO’s problem child

Turkey threatens to blackball Sweden and Finland

August 21, 2021 | David Maxwell |

Flawed assumptions led to tragic outcomes in Afghanistan

Many Afghanistan post-mortems will be written. All will identify many problems. But two major flaws in U.S. policy are readily apparent and warrant immediate attention. Although it is too soon to draw definitive...

March 29, 2021 | David Adesnik |

Biden Revives the Truman Doctrine

His call to wage a global war for freedom echoes the dawn of the Cold War.

November 18, 2020 | Clifford D. May |

The world order is being hijacked

Despots now call the shots at the U.N. and other international organizations

August 1, 2020 | David Maxwell |

It’s time for a third special operations revolution

The Senate Armed Service Committee report on the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) expresses the committee’s persistent concern with U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) and the need for...

July 8, 2020 | Clifford D. May |

Study war some more

World War II and the Cold War carry useful lessons

June 21, 2020 | Mark Dubowitz, Jonathan Schanzer

Countering China Is for the BIRDs

In 1950, as Cold War tensions were on the rise, President Harry Truman asked allies to stand and be counted. Israel reflexively stepped up and backed the president who bravely supported the creation of...

May 28, 2020 | Eliora Katz |

The Old and New Persian Empires

Iraq is invaded and its despot is deposed. Iran encroaches, amassing territory covering Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. The year is 539 BCE, though it eerily echoes events following the fall of Saddam...

November 21, 2019 | Bradley Bowman, Andrew Gabel, Mikhael Smits 

U.S. Carrier Strike Group Transits Strait of Hormuz

The U.S. Navy’s Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group (CSG) transited through the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday, entering the Persian Gulf following months of Iranian attacks in the area. The high-profile...

May 3, 2019 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Did German bank close account of Israeli news website due to antisemitism?

In a telephone conversation with Deutsche Bank, the bank told 'Israel Heute' that "it did not have to justify the decision and therefore would not say anything more."

December 2, 2018 | Tony Badran |

Standing With Saudi Arabia

How President Donald Trump has been forthright about the actual drivers of American policy in the Middle East

November 26, 2018 | Tony Badran, Michael Doran

Trump Is Crude. But He’s Right About Saudi Arabia.

On the strategic questions that matter in the Middle East, the president is cleareyed.

August 3, 2018 | Reuel Marc Gerecht, Ray Takeyh

The Preeminent Challenge

The biggest foreign-policy challenge before Donald Trump isn’t North Korea, where the usual pattern of diplomacy and deception persists. Nor is it Russia; it doesn’t have the mus...

January 2, 2018 | Reuel Marc Gerecht

The Worst Thing for Iran’s Protesters? U.S. Silence

We are now six days into the Iran protests, and the questions that seized Washington during the 2009 pro-...

January 25, 2017 | Clifford D. May

Defending the civilized world

In an inaugural address that was more purposeful than poetic, President Trump last Friday vowed to “unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from...

August 3, 2016 | Clifford D. May

Curb your socialism

Groucho Marx famously said he wouldn’t join any club that would have him as a member. Bernie Sanders last week turned that on its head, saying he wouldn’t remain a member of...

April 14, 2016 | Clifford D. May |

Can America change course?

As you watch the circus that is the 2016 presidential campaign, which candidate strikes you as having a coherent vision of national security for the post-Obama era? Who has told you what he (or s...