
December 9, 2024 | Steven A. Cook, Sinan Ciddi

Erdogan Gets His ‘Leader of the Muslim World’ Moment

Syria's change of leadership has given Turkey’s president the regional influence he has always wanted.

April 4, 2024 | Steven A. Cook, Sinan Ciddi

Post-Erdogan Turkey Is Finally Here

Last weekend’s elections offer a first glimpse of a political future beyond the reigning strongman.

September 7, 2022 | Tony Badran |

America’s Regional Integration Scheme Benefits Iran

The Obama-Biden doctrine means that our Mideast allies don’t have to like the Iran deal. They just have to pay for it.

December 1, 2021 | Saeed Ghasseminejad |

Should Europeans invest in Iran? No! Even after 2025

After years of international isolation, economic instability, and sanctions, European companies may be tempted to resume business with Iran if Washington and Tehran revive the 2015 nuclear deal. Before...

December 11, 2020 | Varsha Koduvayur, Steven A. Cook

The Abraham Accords

Will they transform the Middle East?

September 9, 2018 | |

Major Global Companies are Leaving Iran to Avoid U.S. Sanctions: FDD Study

(Washington, D.C., Sept. 10, 2018) – Major international corporations are leaving Iran rather than face the risk of unilateral U.S. sanctions, despite the efforts of European governments to neutrali...

August 10, 2018 | Romany Shaker

France vs Italy in Libya: The U.S. Should Not Choose Sides

After meeting with President Donald Trump on July 30, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte...

February 5, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

How Europe is Speed-Dating Iran

European companies were astonishingly quick to seek new business with Iran following the interim nuclear agreement the P5+1 states and Tehran reached in November 2013‫.‬‬‬...

February 3, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Germany, Inc. Heads to Tehran

As the world's most powerful countries loosen the sanctions regime on Iran, European companies are looking to turn a profit from the international détente. Information uncovered by&nb...

January 13, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Is Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal Unraveling?

President Obama’s nuclear agreement to slow down Iran’s drive to become a nuclear-weapons power faces tough resistance from Senate Republicans and Democrats because of massive loophol...

January 6, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Analysis: Has the Geneva Agreement Undercut Sanctions to Stop Iran’s Nuclear Program?

The interim nuclear deal reached between the major powers and the Islamic Republic on November 24 opened the investment floodgates for Western companies seeking to capitalize on a new business en...

January 26, 2012 | Emanuele Ottolenghi Aspenia Online |

Il Bluff Iraniano Su Hormuz e i Veri Pericoli del Programma Nucleare

Nelle scorse settimane, l'Iran ha ripetutamente minacciato di chiudere lo Stretto di Hormuz, alimentando timori di una possibile recrudescenza di tensioni politiche e militari nel Golfo Pers...

March 31, 2011 | Mark Dubowitz |

How the Obama Administration Can Get Serious About Iran Sanctions

The Obama administration made the correct decision earlier this week to impose sanctions on Belarusneft, a subsidiary of the Belarusian petrochemical company Belneftekhim, for doing business with...

March 31, 2011 | Weekly Standard

How the Obama Administration Can Get Serious About Iran Sanctions

The Obama administration made the correct decision earlier this week to impose sanctions on Belarusneft, a subsidiary of the Belarusian petrochemical company Belneftekhim, for doing business with I...

February 22, 2011 | Jerusalem Post

Italian Deputy Rebukes Fellow Deputies for Iran Meeting

BERLIN – Fiamma Nirenstein, Vice President of the Foreign Affairs Committee in Italy's Chamber of Deputies, sharply criticized last week her fellow legislators serving on the committee for meetin...

January 17, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal Wall Street Journal Europe

The Italo-German Double Game in Iran

In 2010, Germany and Italy put themselves further on the wrong side of history. Although both countries agreed last summer to support new European Union sanctions against Iran, the latest data sh...

January 9, 2011 | The Jerusalem Post

Are EU Sanctions Influencing Iran’s Behavior?

Europe's submissive attitude toward Iran and its nuclear weapons program must change, political analyst Diana Gregor, a leading expert in Central European policies vis-a-vis Iran told Benjam...

November 17, 2010 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

The Blind Who Will Not See: The President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Iranian Death Spiral

I sometimes wonder where some of our smartest people get their ideas. Take Defense Secretary Bob Gates, for example. Discussing the possibility of military action against Iranian nuclear weapons...

October 4, 2010 | Mark Dubowitz Weekly Standard |

Will Obama Follow Through on Iran Sanctions?

After enacting comprehensive energy sanctions on companies that do business with Iran, and encouraging 31 other countries to follow suit, last Thursday the United States announced penalties again...

October 1, 2010 | AP

US Hits Iranian Energy Firm with Sanctions

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Thursday slapped sanctions on a Swiss-based Iranian company involved in Iran's oil and gas sector and claimed success in persuading several European energ...