
August 20, 2023 | Cleo Paskal |

In sign of weakness, pro-PRC Solomons PM avoids meeting US Congress members

PM Sogavare avoided meeting a US Congressional Delegation that was visiting the country. Not a single government minister met the two Members of Congress during their time in the capital, Honiara.

June 30, 2017 | |

Trump and Moon must unite to send a tough message to North Korea

Co-written by Joshua Stanton. South Korea’s new president, Moon Jae In, ...

April 27, 2017 | Chip Poncy

Countering Russia: Further Assessing Options for Sanctions

Download the full testimony here.  Th...

October 3, 2016 | Sheryl Saperia

Saudi Arabia: Friend or Foe? Answer: Both

An American media spotlight on Saudi Arabia re-appeared with the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Did the kingdom play a nefarious role in that terrible day? If so, should 9/11...

June 24, 2015 | Chip Poncy

Evaluating the Security of the U.S. Financial Sector

Download full testimony here...

January 22, 2015 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

Pakistan Falsely Claims it Takes ‘Immediate Action’ Against Terror Groups Listed by the UN

A spokesman for Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that his country takes "immediate action" against any terrorist groups that are sanctioned by the Un...

January 2, 2015 | Grant Rumley National Interest |

In Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas VS Mohammad Dahlan

Abbas’ failed leadership has created discontent within Palestine Authority. Will Dahlan seize the moment?

December 11, 2014 | Thomas Joscelyn

The Benghazi Report

Co-authored by Stephen F. Hayes After a long day on November 13, 2013, Speaker of the House John Boehner walked down the marble hallways of the Longworth House Office Building t...

February 10, 2014 | Mark Dubowitz

Negotiations on Iran’s Nuclear Program

Chairman Menendez, Ranking Member Corker, members of the Committee, on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), thank you for inviting me to testify today on the implementation...

June 5, 2013 | Tony Badran

Washington’s Syria Policy

Madame Chairwoman, Ranking Member Deutch, and distinguished Members of the Committee. On behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, thank you for inviting me to testify at toda...

October 12, 2012 | Claudia Rosett The Rosett Report |

Digging Deeper Into the UN’s WIPO Tech for Tyrants Scandal

Congressional investigators of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs are pressing ahead with their inquiry into one of the flashier United Nations scandals of recent times — call it Tech f...

April 25, 2012 | |

The Whole World Is Watching

Yesterday, the White House’s Atrocities Prevention Board held its first meeting. Chaired by NSC staffer Samantha Power, author of...

September 14, 2011 | Jonathan Schanzer Middle East Quarterly

Early Warnings Ignored

September 11: A Decade Later

April 18, 2011 | |

Rep. Peter King Seeks Answers on DOJ Decision Not to Prosecute Islamists

House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King has fired off a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, demanding answers about why political appointees in the Obama Justice Department stopped effort...

February 20, 2011 | Claudia Rosett Free Republic

What Are We Doing About Gaddafi’s Bloody Hands in Libya?

As uprisings sweep the Middle East and North Africa, the bloodiest crackdown is happening, right now, in Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi has ruled for more than 41 years. There are reports of hundre...

May 19, 2010 | The Weekly Standard

The System Failed

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has released an unclassified summary of its investigation into the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day 2009. The committee’s bottom line...

July 23, 2008 | National Review Online

Messiah Lies About His Senate Committee Assignment

This guy is going to be harder than Bill Clinton to keep up with.  The next whopper whips along before you have time to wrap your brain around the last one. At Powerline, John Hinde...

February 1, 2007 |

The FISA Follies Roll On

Over two weeks ago, the Bush administration stunned both supporters and detractors of the National Security Agency’s Terrorist Surveillance Program — heretofore, involving warrantless...