Coming to America
It’s not just mass illegal immigration that poses a threat
It’s not just mass illegal immigration that poses a threat
That used to be common knowledge
Much of my so-called career as a foreign correspondent was spent in countries that could accurately be described with the scatological adjective allegedly uttered by President ...
Europeans seem to have an increasingly bizarre and perhaps self-destructive view of the world and their place in it. Last week’s most creative illustration: The Irish postal service issued...
The Atheist Muslim opens with snow in Saudi Arabia. The author, Ali Rizvi, is in fifth grade at the American school in Riyadh, where students are folding glittery snowflakes out of construction p...
Back in 1993, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a New York Democrat, warned against “defining deviancy down.” He was talking specifically about crime, about our getting used to it and not...
What are we to do with radical Islam? Ever since 9/11, Western leaders have insisted that we are "not at war with Islam," have sometimes said that "Islam is a religion of peace" and bent over in...
By now, you should be familiar with the name Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You should know at least this much about her: She is brilliant, beautiful, black and she has been banned near Boston. You mi...
Last Friday, in his end-of-the-year press conference, President Obama scolded Sony Pictures. Cancelling the theatrical release of “The Interview” following cyber-attacks from North Ko...
Remember when colleges prided themselves on the diligence and depth of their research? Frederick Lawrence, president of Brandeis University, apparently does not. He offered an honorary degr...
Shutting down a speaker, or a professor, or a book with which you strongly disagree is nothing new. Indeed, if there’s anything really new about Brandeis’ disinvitation to Ayaan Hirsi...
You Can’t Read This Book: Censorship in an Age of Freedom Nick Cohen (London: Fourth Estate, 2012) If I complacently accept the idea that...
It isn’t al-Qaeda that’s slaughtering religious minorities in Muslim lands.
It’s funny, in an Orwellian way, that in Europe there are now militant groups with such cutesy names as Sharia4Belgium and Sharia4Holland. Less funny, but perhaps more Orwellian, is this: L...
A Nomad's Journey Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born feminist, continues to invoke the ire of Muslims worldwide with her scathing depiction of the Islamic faith and culture writ large...
A key figure in one of Europe's most infamous Islamic extremist networks has written a public letter renouncing whole swathes of the ideology that led him to try to murder non-believers. On...
Berlin - Holland's judicial campaign to strip Geert Wilders of his right to engage in ruthless polemical and intellectual criticism of Islam...
Paul Berman is someone who takes ideas - especially pernicious and toxic ones - very seriously. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Berman wrote a penetrating work, Terror and Liberalism...
Theo van Gogh era un hombre occidental moderno, un creyente en la razón, la tolerancia y el multiculturalismo. Y por ello quizá encaja que sus últimas palabras fueran: &ldquo...
Theo van Gogh was a modern Western man, a believer in reason, tolerance and multiculturalism. And so it is perhaps fitting that his last words were: “Can’t we talk about this?”...