April 14, 2016 | Quoted by Tim Starks - Politico

IRS, Energy and Homeland Security head to the Hill

DOJ: AUTO INDUSTRY CYBER THREAT OF FUTUREJohn Carlin, assistant attorney general for national security, was in Detroit on Tuesday to talk to auto industry officials about “what the threat of the future will be.” Carlin, speaking back in D.C. on Wednesday at an event hosted by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, said the increasing number of Internet-enabled vehicles and later self-driven cars present a growing cyber threat to Detroit. Carlin was in the Motor City to emphasize that “all the same bad guys, crooks, nation states who want to steal and cause destruction and terrorists, they go where our technology goes,” he recounted Wednesday. Referencing Chrysler’s recall last year of about a million vehicles after a successful hack on a Jeep onboard system, Carlin said the auto industry can be a model now for staying ahead of the problem. “We want the future to be safe cars at the moment they are deployed,” he said. Carlin was also recently in Iowa, where a Chinese cyber hack was followed by the actual digging-up of bioengineered seeds in corn fields. It was an example of a “blend” of an initial cyber hack “to figure out where you have what you value” and then following up with a physical action or threat.

CARLIN: SONY SET ‘GREAT EXAMPLE’ FOLLOWING HACK — Carlin also credited Sony for modeling how the private sector should respond following the company’s 2014 hack by North Korea. “Sony was a great example of a company that did the right thing. They came in immediately to share what happened,” Carlin said. And because of that, federal investigators were able to “conclusively” determine in about 28 days that the hack did indeed come from North Korea.


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Washington North Korea Chinese U.S. Department of Homeland Security Detroit Internal Revenue Service Iowa Sony Corporation