May 3, 2010 | Pajamas Media

Why Does Anyone Care What Ahmadinejad Says at the UN?

There are plenty of tyrants who speak at the UN without their utterances making world headlines, and without the U.S. deigning to respond. Yet every time Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad jets to NY to take the podium, he’s the center of attention — as he is yet again for delivering a speech Monday, at the opening of the UN’s nonproliferation review conference, in which he presented himself as opposed to all nuclear weapons.

This is because:

A) Ahmadinejad is a speaker with fascinating opinions on “the ideal society.”

B) Everyone is curious to see whether he will wear a zippered windbreaker or a lounge suit.

C) Iran is making nuclear weapons.

D) See C, above

E) See D and C, above

F) See C,D and E above… you get the idea.