July 25, 2008 | National Review Online
Bravo Pete Hoekstra for Defunding the Government’s Jihad on “Jihad”
I’ve had a number of things to say about the intelligence community’s attempted language purge, the effort to inculcate an aversion to calling jihadists jihadists, to bleach the Islam out of Islamic terror, and so on. (See, e.g., here, here and here if interested.) Well, I’m happy to report that Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI and ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee), whose been fighting the effort for some time (see Robert Spencer’s post here), has seen his efforts bear fruit.
Rep. Hoekstra added an amendment to the Intelligence Bill that denies funding to this ill-conceived propaganda campaign (aptly referred to as “McCarthyism in reverse”). Despite the predictable opposition of Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat leadership, 55 Democrats joined Republicans to pass it by a whopping 249-180 margin.
CAIR, natch, is up in arms — you always know you’re doing the right thing if all the right people are in a snit. [H/T, again, to Mr. Spencer & the invaluable Jihad Watch.]