United States Army

May 25, 2021 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

Biden-Moon Summit Signals Tougher South Korean Stance Against China

President Joe Biden and South Korean President Moon Jae-in held their first summit on May 21 in Washington. While public attention has focused primarily on Biden’s and Moon’s respective policies toward...

May 14, 2021 | Bradley Bowman, Joe Truzman

Tehran’s Terror Proxies in Gaza Escalate Attacks on Israeli Civilians

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have targeted Israeli civilians with a greater volume of rocket fire this week than in previous rounds of conflict. A closer analysis shows why the two terror groups’...

April 28, 2021 | Bradley Bowman, Maseh Zarif

Congress demands answers on Afghanistan withdrawal

Excerpt President Biden announced on April 14 that the United States will withdraw all remaining forces from Afghanistan before Sept. 11, 2021. Given the persistent terrorist threats there and in neighboring...

April 16, 2021 | Bradley Bowman, John Hardie

The Biden Administration Reverses Trump’s Mistake in Germany

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced on Tuesday that the United States will bolster its military presence in Germany, reversing Trump-era withdrawal plans. The decision represents an important step...

April 12, 2021 | David Maxwell |

Anticipating the Biden Administration’s New North Korea Policy

The heart of the administration’s new Korea policy will likely focus on implementing the relevant UN Security Council resolutions to achieve North Korea’s verifiable nuclear dismantlement.

April 8, 2021 | Jacob Nagel, Shachar Shohat

Iron Dome developers set the record straight on its evolution

Marking 10 years since Iron Dome’s first operational interception, leading figures in developing the missile defense system set the record straight on its evolution

March 31, 2021 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Bradley Bowman

Listen to America’s top Commander in the Indo-Pacific and Fund the Pacific Deterrence Initiative

In his final appearance before the congressional armed services committees, the outgoing top American commander in the Pacific warned this month that a failure to devote additional military resources to...

March 10, 2021 | David Maxwell |

The U.S. Military And South Korea Must Train To Deter North Korea

ROK/U.S. combined training – routine but necessary defensive exercises – is described in the media in various ways that causes confusion among the public. With the start of the annual computer simulation...

March 8, 2021 | David Maxwell |

How to Conduct the Biden Administration’s Korea Policy Review

The way ahead is deterrence, defense, denuclearization, human rights upfront, and solving the “Korea question” (e.g., unification) with the understanding that denuclearization of the north will only happen when we resolve that “Korea question.”

February 17, 2021 | Clifford D. May |

Despots dominate the WHO and the UNHRC

American engagement alone cannot fix UN agencies

February 12, 2021 | Bradley Bowman, Jacob Nagel

Taking a closer look at Israel’s weapons wish list

Eyeing Iran and its terrorist proxies in Syria and Lebanon, Israel’s Cabinet approved on Feb. 7 an Israeli Air Force request to use U.S. foreign military financing and loans to fund approximately $9...

February 3, 2021 | Bradley Bowman |

What the National Guard Deployment to D.C. Tells Us

The failure to protect the U.S. Capitol from an insurrectionist attack on January 6 is understandably dominating headlines. Leaders and investigators are right to ask how such a horrible breach of security...

January 13, 2021 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

Kim Jong Un Seeks to Bully Biden on the Diplomatic Stage

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un finally broke his silence last week on his regime’s policy toward the incoming Biden administration, labeling the United States as Pyongyang’s “foremost principal enemy.”...

January 12, 2021 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

Joe Biden Can’t Fall For North Korea’s Latest Trap

After he labelled America as North Korea’s “foremost principal enemy” and announced plans to strengthen his regime’s nuclear and missile arsenal, Kim Jong-un last week offered Washington an...

January 8, 2021 | Bradley Bowman |

U.S.-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group Authorization Provides Opportunity for Biden Administration

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2021, which became law last week, includes a provision authorizing the establishment of a U.S.-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group (OTWG)....

January 7, 2021 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

Opening of Eighth Party Congress Shows Kim Jong Un Stays True to His Roots

North Korea’s ruling Korean Workers’ Party kicked off its Eighth Party Congress on Wednesday. This periodic meeting seeks to outline the North Korean government’s strategic objectives for a broad...

December 28, 2020 | Jacob Nagel, Jonathan Schanzer

The Powerful Implications of Israel’s Successful Missile Defense Test

The Israeli Missile Defense Organization and U.S. Missile Defense Agency announced earlier this month the successful completion of a series of tests of a multilayered missile defense system using the David’s...

November 16, 2020 | David Maxwell, Mathew Ha

For Joe Biden, Restoring the ROK-U.S. Alliance is Critical for Any Successful North Korea Policy

If President-elect Biden aims to “keep pressing toward a denuclearized North Korea,” as he put it in his Yonhap News Service op-ed, he must first prioritize reinforcing Washington and Seoul’s rock-solid bond based on shared values and combined military strength. This foundation is essential for the alliance to engage and negotiate with Pyongyang from a position of strength, not appeasement.

November 3, 2020 | Bradley Bowman, Maj. Shane “Axl” Praiswater

Great Power Competition Comes Home to America

Our leaders’ efforts to heal divisions among our fellow citizens are key to national defense.

October 22, 2020 | Thomas Joscelyn |

One Term of ‘Maximum Pressure’ on North Korea

A new book from H.R. McMaster offers a look back at Trump's attempted containment and wooing of Kim Jong-un.