The Christian Science Monitor

October 26, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Analysis: Iran’s Hostage-taking of Americans Shows It Can’t Be Housebroken

Iran's refusal to release American hostages gets at the heart of some of the skepticism voiced by critics that the July nuclear deal will help the Islamic Republic reenter the international...

August 19, 2015 |

Analysis: Qatar Still Negligent on Terror Finance

The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on August 5 against two Qatari nationals accused of prov...

July 9, 2015 |

The Gulf Cooperation Council Camp David Summit: Any Results?

Chairman Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member Deutch, and distinguished Members of the Subcommittee: thank you on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies for the opportunity to testify before...

July 7, 2014 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

And The Reign Of Terror Continues

In a recent public spat with his domestic political opponents, Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani rebuked conservatives for their continued efforts to impose morality by force. Western media h...

July 2, 2014 |

King Crude: How Iraq’s ISIS Crisis Restores Saudi Influence

While the world panics over the conquests of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Saudi Arabia, oddly enough, has reason to be thankful. Even though ISIS advocates the A...

May 12, 2014 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Successes and Failures of the U.S. and NATO Intervention in Libya

Download the full written testimony here (PDF). Ch...

August 14, 2013 | FDD Policy Brief |

Iran and African Uranium

By Zachary Elkaim The Zimbabwean government recently issued a denial of a Times of London...

July 10, 2013 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Salafi Jihadism in the North African Regional Context

Chairmen Poe and Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Members Sherman and Deutch, distinguished members of the subcommittees, it is an honor to appear before you today to discuss the threat of jihadist terroris...

October 18, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Swiss Cheese

The EU's "strong" sanctions on Iran are full of holes, but might they be enough to prevent the U.S. going to war?

July 5, 2012 | Jonathan Schanzer IHS Defense, Risk and Security Consulting |

Pariah State: Examining Sudan’s Support for Terrorism

***This article originally appeared in "State Sponsorship of Terrorism", a publication of IHS Defense, Risk and Security Consulting, in June 2012. Reproduced with permission © IHS (Global...

June 27, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn The Weekly Standard |

Stuxnet Deactivates Itself, Iranians Crow

This past weekend the Christian Science Monitor reported tha...

May 14, 2012 | Jonathan Schanzer The Journal of International Security Affairs

How Saudi Arabia Has Survived—So Far

On December 17, 2010, the self-immolation of Tunisian street vendor Muhammad Bouazizi, who was protesting the confiscation of his wares and harassment by the country’s authorities, touched...

May 7, 2012 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Gunpowder & Lead

Assessing Interpretations of the New Bin Laden Documents

The documents recovered from Abbottabad that were released on Thursday represent the largest new trove of i...

January 3, 2012 | Tony Badran |

“Warriors of God: Inside Hezbollah’s Thirty-Year Struggle Against Israel,” by Nicholas Blanford

As the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria violently struggles for its life, observers of the region are wondering about the future of Iran’s alliances in the eastern Mediterranean...

August 3, 2011 |

Falling for the Spin of the Gitmo Bar

On March 27, the Christian Science Monitor published an article (“Defending due process for Guantánamo detainees”) extolling the virtues of the attorneys who have rushed to the...

June 13, 2011 | Translation of Scripps Howard News Service

Por Qué Luchamos

Esta semana en el Christian Science Monitor, el teniente coronel Chris Brady argumenta que Estados Unidos debería “seguir luchando por el progreso” en Irak donde está ac...

June 13, 2011 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service

Why We Fight

In the Christian Science Monitor this week, Lt. Col. Chris Brady argues that America should “keep fighting for progress” in Iraq where he is currently serving a tour of duty. “A...

May 16, 2011 |

Don’t Get Cocky, America

Osama bin Laden's death is a significant blow for al Qaeda, removing a figurehead who had evaded the largest manhunt in world history for almost a decade, and who seemingly managed to remain...

April 19, 2011 |

Supreme Court Shuts Door on Gitmo Detainees’ Appeal

On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal filed by five Uighur detainees held at Guantanamo. A D.C. District Court granted the Uighur detainees their freedom inside the U.S. A D.C....

April 14, 2011 |

Making Sense of France’s Burqa Ban

Berlin — France’s burqa ban became law on Monday, and the full-face veil worn by an estimated 2,000 women in France is now outlawed in public spaces. With this law, Pres. Nicolas Sark...