Taif Agreement

February 3, 2025 | Hussain Abdul-Hussain |

Lebanon and Israel Should Start Talking About Peace

I spent the last decade away from Lebanon in self-imposed exile. I became an intellectual and political pariah for demanding immediate and unconditional peace between Lebanon and Israel. I was told not...

January 29, 2025 | David Daoud |

Lebanon’s prime minister-designate is unlikely to confront Hezbollah

After a two-year vacancy, Lebanon finally has a president. On January 9, Joseph Aoun was swept into office as its fourteenth holder to Lebanese and international acclaim. More importantly, if...

January 13, 2025 | David Daoud |

With No Power or Constitutional Authority, Lebanon’s New President Won’t Disarm Hezbollah

After two years of deadlock, the proverbial white smoke has emerged from Lebanon’s parliament in Beirut’s Nejmeh Square. Former Lebanese Armed Forces commander Joseph Aoun has been elected...

December 4, 2024 | Clifford D. May |

Israel’s Gift

Lebanese patriots now have a chance to throw off Tehran’s yoke

October 24, 2024 | David Daoud |

Explaining UNSC Resolution 1701 and its relation to Resolution 1559

A specious argument fueled by DC-based Lebanese activists is gaining traction. It alleges that UN Security Council Resolution 1559 (2004) takes a stronger stance against Hezbollah than its successor, Resolution...

October 15, 2024 | Seth J. Frantzman |

Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman in Cairo to discuss Gaza, Lebanon, Red Sea

Historically, Saudi Arabia and Egypt were the two pillars of stability for the region, and both are friends of the United States.

November 3, 2021 | Hussain Abdul-Hussain |

How Hezbollah’s hold destroyed Lebanon’s relationship with Saudi Arabia

As long as Hezbollah decides who rules Lebanon, the Lebanese government will go with Iran against their nation’s interests, which are better served by sticking with Saudi Arabia instead.

October 27, 2017 | Tony Badran |

American Policy in Lebanon Isn’t Policy. It’s Poetry.

The commander of Lebanon’s Armed Forces (LAF), General Joseph Aoun, was in Washington on an official ...

July 27, 2017 | Tyler Stapleton

How the Use of Human Shields Violates International Law

Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamic State, and other terrorist groups have a demonstrated propensity to use...

November 14, 2016 | David Daoud |

Hezbollah Has Effectively Won the Lebanese Presidency

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif arrived in Beirut on Tuesday to congratulate ...

July 21, 2011 | |

The Lebanese Elections and Hezbollah’s Agenda

On Sunday, June 7, Lebanon will go to the polls to elect a new parliament. News reports and analyses are abuzz with the possibility of the emergence of a new parliamentary majority comprised of a...

June 22, 2011 | TCS Daily |

Beyond Farce

The following is not the outline of a rejected screenplay by an aspiring Hollywood writer trying to outdo 24. Nor is it product of a freshman political science student's imagination, concoct...

September 16, 2010 | Tony Badran |

Syrian Pretension And Reality in Iraq

Recent news reports about the arduous process of government formation in Iraq suggest that a deal may be in the works that would see incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki keep his post. If tru...

December 8, 2009 | |

For Hezbollah, Lebanon is an Afterthought

Two things were unsurprising about Hezbollah’s political document, unveiled  on November 30 by the party’s secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, namely its content and characteriz...

May 17, 2009 | |

Hezbollah’s Agenda in Lebanon

This article was...

June 16, 2008 | Tony Badran Transatlantic Institute

TAI: Hezbollah’s Dangerous Gamble

 Introduction This past May saw Hezbollah's second coup attempt in as many years. The first was after the 2006 war, when Hezbollah took to the streets with the goal of bringing...

September 19, 2006 | TCS Daily |

Down on the Farms

As we mark the one-month anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, the best that can be said is that ceasefire between Israel and the Hezbollah terrorists who carved a state...

November 1, 2005 | Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal and European Edition) |

Free Muhamad Mugraby

Officially, Lebanon is now free, and its former Baathist overlords in Syria are isolated from the international community following initial findings by United Nations investigators that high-rank...

March 17, 2005 | Front Page Magazine |

The Russia-Syria Connection

Dr. Walid Phares gave the following testimony before the U.S. Senate on the issue of Russia's arming of longtime ally Syria....