Shell plc

August 24, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Analysis: Why Europe is Not Likely to Enforce Iran Deal

With the reopening of the UK’s embassy in Tehran on Sunday, a new wrench has been tossed into the nuclear deal approval process: Britain’s likely reluctance to enforce violations.&nbs...

July 1, 2015 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

The Central Pillar Supporting the Iran Deal Has a Big Crack In It

There is a key flaw in the emerging nuclear deal with Iran that is likely to quickly turn this historic agreement into a monumental failure. The most important thing Iran gets from a dea...

February 5, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

How Europe is Speed-Dating Iran

European companies were astonishingly quick to seek new business with Iran following the interim nuclear agreement the P5+1 states and Tehran reached in November 2013‫.‬‬‬...

February 3, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Germany, Inc. Heads to Tehran

As the world's most powerful countries loosen the sanctions regime on Iran, European companies are looking to turn a profit from the international détente. Information uncovered by&nb...

October 12, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal The New Republic |

What Europe Isn’t Doing to Stop Syria and Iran

As the world witnesses the Syrian and Iranian regimes commit countless human rights abuses and, in Iran’s case, move ever closer to perfecting its nuclear capabilities, there’s a comm...

September 21, 2011 |

How to Weaken the Power of Foreign Oil

Our country has just gone through a sober national retrospective on the 9/11 attacks. Apart from the heartfelt honoring of those lost — on that day and since — what seemed most striki...

September 6, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal |

The Peaceful Way to Bring Down Syria’s Assad

In the months since Syrian president Bashar Assad first began gunning down democratic protesters in March, the United Nations reports that the death toll has reached over 2,200, and the number gr...

August 11, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal |

How UK should foil Hizbollah and Syria

The UK is uniquely positioned to lead the EU in severely clamping down on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's blood-soaked campaign against pro-democracy activists. The pressing ques...

August 9, 2011 | |

Responding to Syria: The King’s Statement, the President’s Hesitation

The floodgates of Arab diplomatic restraint on Syria have finally been breached. In the past few days, both the Gulf Cooperation Council and Arab League issued their first official statements on...

August 8, 2011 | |

A Battle Plan to Stop Assad: Three Steps to Focus the Brutal Dictator’s Mind

Before Syrian President Bashar Assad's blood-soaked crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, Western capitals pampered the London-educated eye doctor with carrots rather than sticks....

August 3, 2011 | Mark Dubowitz |

Congress Should Consider Syrian Energy Sanctions

The Assad regime’s ruthlessness is on vivid display as the Syrian security forces, with Iranian assistance, continue their bloody campaign to crush a four-month long democracy uprising....

March 31, 2011 | Weekly Standard

How the Obama Administration Can Get Serious About Iran Sanctions

The Obama administration made the correct decision earlier this week to impose sanctions on Belarusneft, a subsidiary of the Belarusian petrochemical company Belneftekhim, for doing business with I...

March 31, 2011 | Mark Dubowitz |

How the Obama Administration Can Get Serious About Iran Sanctions

The Obama administration made the correct decision earlier this week to impose sanctions on Belarusneft, a subsidiary of the Belarusian petrochemical company Belneftekhim, for doing business with...

February 20, 2011 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

The Lost Years for Alternative Energy?

Oil and gasoline prices, low since 2008, are projected to rise again, rapidly returning our oil addiction to the national spotlight. Analysts say that oil prices are heading toward $100 a barrel,...

February 17, 2011 | AFP

US Lawmakers Propose Tougher Iran Sanctions

WASHINGTON — A group of US lawmakers Wednesday unveiled legislation to toughen sanctions on Iran for its nuclear energy program, calling for international companies traded on US exchanges to reve...

January 9, 2011 | The Jerusalem Post

Are EU Sanctions Influencing Iran’s Behavior?

Europe's submissive attitude toward Iran and its nuclear weapons program must change, political analyst Diana Gregor, a leading expert in Central European policies vis-a-vis Iran told Benjam...

November 17, 2010 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

The Blind Who Will Not See: The President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Iranian Death Spiral

I sometimes wonder where some of our smartest people get their ideas. Take Defense Secretary Bob Gates, for example. Discussing the possibility of military action against Iranian nuclear weapons...

October 5, 2010 |

Alinsky’s Rules for Obama’s Iran Strategy

Berlin - Pres. Barack Obama chose last week to sanction the Swiss-ba...

October 4, 2010 | Mark Dubowitz Weekly Standard |

Will Obama Follow Through on Iran Sanctions?

After enacting comprehensive energy sanctions on companies that do business with Iran, and encouraging 31 other countries to follow suit, last Thursday the United States announced penalties again...

October 4, 2010 | Benjamin Weinthal Jerusalem Post

Wiesenthal Center: Boycott Royal Dutch Shell on Iran Trade

 The Simon Wiesenthal Center called last week for a boycott of Royal Dutch Shell gas stations because of the energy company's increased import of Iranian crude oil. "We urge th...