
July 17, 2017 | Olli Heinonen

A Return to Transparent Safeguards Reporting

Briefing at the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Material Management (INMM)

March 5, 2013 |

UN Oil-for-Food Program

Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the Committtee, I thank you for the opportunity to testify here today. Speaking as a journalist, I would like to tell you that when I fir...

November 15, 2006 | The New York Sun |

The Courtier to Annan

Not so long ago, Kofi Annan was up to his ears in the Oil for Food scandal, and his legacy as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations was on its way down the drain. He was ducking que...

July 26, 2006 | National Review Online |

Who’s Dissin’ Whom

As Israel fights to defend itself against the Iranian-and-Syrian-backed terrorists of Hezbollah, are we really seeing a reckless, damaging and — yes — disproportionate response?...

April 3, 2006 | |

How Corrupt is the United Nations?

Recent years have brought a cascade of scandals at the United Nations, of which the wholesale corruption of the Oil-for-Food relief program in Iraq has been only the most visible. We still do not...

January 9, 2006 | |

Strong Implications

What the Park arrest portends.

December 21, 2005 | |

The Blow-Up

Annan insults and distracts.

November 21, 2005 | |

New U.N. Scheme: Alliance of Civilizations

Co-authored by: George Russell NEW YORK —  After the epic disaster of Oil for Food, one might imagine the United Nations would tread carefully before launching any ne...

September 20, 2005 | Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) |

U.N.-Plugged; Imagining the End of the “World” as We Know It

On Monday afternoon the electrical power blew out at U.N. headquarters, forcing the secretary-general and the foreign ministers of four of the world's most powerful nations, along wi...

July 20, 2005 | New York Sun |

All the Secretary-General’s Men: the Tangled Web of U.N. Cronyism

Reforming the United Nations is a tall order at the best of times. Today it stands no chance at all unless it starts by removing the network that during Kofi Annan's more than seven years as...

July 6, 2005 | |

Another Scandal Corner

The big bucks overlooked in Oil-for-Food.

April 9, 2005 | Weekly Standard |

“Hell, No”– He’s Not Exonerated

Kofi Annan and the Oil-for-Food investigation.

February 13, 2005 | Claudia Rosett New Republic |

Kofi Annan’s Silence

On February 3, the United Nations-authorized inquiry into the Oil-for-Food scandal, led by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, issued its first interim report. Volcker's most lurid...

February 1, 2005 | New York Sun |

Volcker’s Report Raises Questions of U.N.’s Role

The interim report on the United Nations' scandal-wracked oil-for-food program is due to be released tomorrow, according to the U.N.-authorized Independent Inquiry Committee, led by a former...

December 28, 2004 | Claudia Rosett Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal and European Edition) |

Blue: The Next Orange? Forget Reform. The U.N. Needs Regime Change

The advance of liberty and its attendant institutions can be a rough business, provoking stiff resistance by those who find their interests most threatened: the dictators, cronies and retinues of...

November 30, 2004 | Claudia Rosett Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal and European Edition) |

Secretary and Son

Kofi Annan Isn't Kojo's Keeper, But He Can't Shirk Responsibility For the U.N.

November 16, 2004 | Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal and European Editions) |

Come Clean, Kofi

With estimates soaring of graft and fraud under the United Nations Oil for Food program in Iraq, we are hearing a lot about the need to "get to the bottom" of this scandal, the biggest ever to hi...

October 14, 2004 | |


Kofi Annan Uses the Iraqi People's Money to Investigate the Oil-for-Food

October 6, 2004 | |

Saddam’s Sugar Daddy

CIA chief weapons inspector Charles Duelfer may not have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but he sure found information enough to blow the lid off the simmering scandal of the United Na...

September 21, 2004 | Wall Street Journal |

What’s ‘Illegal’? Kofi Annan Helped Saddam Hussein Steal Food From Babies

When U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan opined last week to the BBC that the U.S.-led overthrow of Saddam Hussein had been "illegal," two words came instantly to my mind: baby food. No, I...