The Fundraising Shortcut Ripe for Abuse
Did tax-exempt money help activists release maggots and mealworms on the Israeli prime minister’s delegation to Washington, DC, in late July? The perpetrators reportedly hailed from the Palestinian...
Did tax-exempt money help activists release maggots and mealworms on the Israeli prime minister’s delegation to Washington, DC, in late July? The perpetrators reportedly hailed from the Palestinian...
It is time for the U.S. and its ally South Korea to execute a political warfare strategy that flips the conventional wisdom.
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel welcomed Monday an Iranian religious leader who called for the elimination of Israel at last year’s al-Quds rally in Berlin. The appearance o...
More than 15 years into America’s war in Afghanistan, the Russian government is openly advocating on behalf of the Taliban. Last week, Moscow hosted Chinese and Pakistani e...
Of all the popular myths about “how the world works,” the most dangerous to us at this moment is the one that goes “peace is normal, war is an aberration.” Truth is,...
The real story behind Benghazi and the other attacks of 9/11/12
A week after the ceasefire concluding Israel’s eight day campaign against Hamas, Operation Pillar of Defense, there is some debate as to who came out on top. The way one judges the outcome...
It’s a tribute to the collapse of modern education that so many people, from pundits and professors to movie stars and policy makers, continue to repeat stereotypes and slogans that are dem...
The 40th anniversary of the Six Day War, June 5 – 10, was the occasion for a flurry of media retrospectives. Less attention will be given to a related anniversary: June 19, 1967, when the I...
On May 3, Hamas and Fatah, the two largest and most influential Palestinian factions, created a unity government. Following a brutal civil war in 2007 that left Hamas in control of the Gaza...
El aniversario pasó de puntillas casi sin mencionarlo. Hace 6 años, el 24 de junio de 2002, el presidente Bush cambió el rumbo de la política americana en Oriente Medi...
Max Boot is a good historian. On Islam, I often disagree with him, finding in his work the wishful thinking common among Islamic Democracy Project enthusiasts. Still, he is thoughtful and civil,...
Recent statements by the Syrian president indicate more of the same
After a quarter century, too little learned.
But for heaven’s sake, don’t call them terrorists, don’t send our armies against them (although special forces are ok), and don’t even think about declaring “war&rdq...
El cuadragésimo aniversario de la Guerra de los Seis Días, acaecida del 5 al 10 de junio, dio pie a un aluvión de retrospectivas en los medios de comunicación. Menos a...
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan delivered his farewell speech Monday, squandering yet another opportunity to apologize for his failures and come clean about the U.N. Instead, he used...
A country's right to defend itself against external attack is so irreducible a component of sovereignty as to have been assumed from time immemorial. Recent events, however, have cast seriou...