
May 9, 2022 | David Adesnik |

Don’t Cling to Hopes That Putin Will Ever Face Justice

The system for prosecuting war crimes is broken—but focusing on sanctions could work.

January 3, 2019 | Benjamin Weinthal

Daughter of Hitler’s War Minister to be Honored with German-Jewish Award

Hilde Schramm, who lives in Berlin, was a former Green Party politician in the city. In 1994, she founded the Zurückgeben Foundation, whose name can be translated as “restitution” or “to give back.”

October 29, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Netanyahu, Palestinian Terrorism and the Holocaust

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked a long-overdue debate about the role of Haj Amin al-Husseini—the mufti of Jerusalem from 1921 to 1937—in carrying out the Holo...

April 9, 2013 | James Kirchick Tablet

Being the Jew in the Box

To have conversations with Germans about Jews, I had to become an exhibition at Berlin’s Jewish Museum

May 30, 2012 | Robert Barnidge Boston University International Law Journal

A Defense of Drone Attacks in Pakistan Under Humanitarian Law

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, international law has had to grapple with the fundamental challenges that large-scale violence carried out by non-state actors pos...

February 29, 2012 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service

War Crimes and Punishment

“To the justice of the firing squad!” That was the toast proposed by Stalin to Roosevelt and Churchill over dinner in 1943 in Tehran. They were meeting for the first time and...

June 14, 2011 | Mark Dubowitz inFocus |

Terrorist TV in Eurabia

While much has been made about the anti-American bias of Arabic-language television networks like al-Jazeera in recent years, policymakers have largely ignored the incitement and violent propagan...

May 16, 2011 |

Bin Laden’s Killing Shows Us the Irrelevance of “International Law”

 This past week, the NDP’s Thomas Mulcair became a figure of ridicule for suggesting that the United States doesn’t have photos of Osama bin Laden’s body — presumably...

July 14, 2010 | Mark Dubowitz |

Countering The Threat From Terrorist Media

The Long War against radical Islam is a war of ideas as much as a war of arms. Yet, for much of the past decade, the incitement and violent propaganda emanating from satellite television stations...

December 7, 2009 |

FDD Praises Legislation Targeting Media that Incites Violence Against Americans

Press Release December 8, 2009 CONTACT: Judy Mayka 202-621-3948 [email protected]   FDD Praises Legislation Targeting...

October 20, 2009 | Mark Dubowitz |

The Code Is Mightier Than The Sword

By Mark Dubowitz and Larry Footer The Long War against radical Islam is a war of...

February 18, 2009 | Mark Dubowitz Wall Street Journal |

Jihad TV in Europe

Thanks to Arab satellite companies, Hezbollah's al-Manar and Hamas's al-Aqsa TV stations can still beam their incitement and hatred into European living rooms, radicalizing Muslim immig...

October 1, 2008 | Michael Ledeen Speech to Hilldale College |

Understanding Iran

If you read the news carefully, you will find a notable story about Iran every morning. Nine times out of ten it is hilarious. Today’s Iran story is that the head of its armed forces announ...

July 18, 2008 | National Review Online

The Hamdan Commission Will Go Forward

  The Hamdan majority strongly suggested that the military commissions could become regularly constituted courts if they were approved by Congress rather than unilaterally...

July 18, 2008 | National Review Online |

Obama on Boumediene & Nuremburg

I have an article on the home page today discussing the rulings by civilian and military judges yes...

December 23, 2007 |

Terrorist TV in Eurabia

While much has been made about the anti-American bias of Arabic-language television networks like al-Jazeera in recent years, policymakers have largely ignored the incitement and violent propaganda emanating from satellite television stations that are owned and operated by Middle East terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hizbullah. These terrorist channels have played an important role in the radicalization of Europe's Muslim populations. Yet, few steps have been taken to prevent these channels from disseminating jihadist propaganda.

January 25, 2007 | Bill Cowan, Carlton Sherwood, Ralph Peters, Andy McCarthy FrontPage Magazine

Symposium: Iraq – The Challenge Ahead

FP: Bill Cowan, Carlton Sherwood, Jim Woolsey, Ralph Peters and Andy McCarthy, welcome to Frontpage Symposium.   I want to get your views on Saddam’s execution,...

September 15, 2006 | The New Criterion

The New Juristocracy

From the Founding right up until the still-quaking bombshell of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, issued at the end of the Supreme Court's term in late June, the primary imperative of national government...

July 16, 2006 | Mark Dubowitz National Review Online |

Watching al-Manar

The long war against radical Islam is a war of ideas as much as a war of arms. For decades, America, Israel, and other democracies have ignored the incitement and violent propaganda emanating fro...

February 10, 2004 | Wall Street Journal |

Tear Down This Regime: Let’s Negotiate North Korea’s Dictatorship Out of Existence

"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!...