BRICS showcases non-Western world order emerging
The expansion of BRICS into countries that are close to the West shows how many states are hedging their bets on this non-western group of powerful economies.
The expansion of BRICS into countries that are close to the West shows how many states are hedging their bets on this non-western group of powerful economies.
Iran is also working with non-western groups at the UN. IRNA noted these include the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, BRICS, and others.
The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Akbar Ahmadian, called for the BRICS bloc of states (named after original founders Brazil, Russia, India, China,...
The United States boycotted a May 30 plenary session of the UN General Assembly held to commemorate Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash on May 19. Speeches...
Gerd Müller prepares to outline his plans for UNIDO during the final week of August
Once a near-nuclear power, Taipei has since been an exemplary anti-proliferator — in cold contrast to Beijing.
In defending the Iran nuclear deal to Congress, President Obama and his staff argued repeatedly that rejection would leave America in dire isolation at the United Nations. Obama can now relax. Ha...
In late November 2014, cyber-warfare burst into the American public consciousness when Sony Pictures Entertainment was the victim of a massive cyber-attack. Hackers leaked Sony’s corporate...
North Korea has denied any involvement in the massive hacking attack last month on Sony Pictures Entertainment, and absent evidence c...
Having failed to produce a deal after six months of bargaining in Vienna, the Iran nuclear talks now appear headed for a venue even less auspicious for the U.S. and its allies: the United Nations...
In the long and bizarre history of America’s role at the United Nations, one especially poignant moment came in December 2007, with the passage of the organization’s multi-billion dol...
The debate over whether Israel would launch an attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities to blunt Tehran’s nuclear ambitions has always loomed large in the mind of Western policymakers...
As world powers prepare for nuclear talks with Iran next week in Geneva, U.S. negotiators and their cohorts would do well to review the history of nuclear deals with another rogue state: the Demo...
With Iran pushing toward nuclear breakout ability at home, while peddling what some have dubbed “charm” abroad, there were plenty of odd moments as Iran’s President Hassan Rouha...
The world's leading state sponsor of terrorism heads the General Assembly's second-largest voting bloc.
Both Iran and North Korea are subject to a growing stack of sanctions with which the United Nations, since 2006, has been...
In a sold-out event, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammad Khazaee, will be speaking Wednesday evening...
Here it comes again — another United Nations-sponsored grab to control the Internet. Next month, Dec. 3-14, the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is holding...
As the attacks out of Gaza continued, Israel pleaded. The U.N. ignored it.
In his second term, President Obama will inherit -- from his first term -- a long list of national security and foreign policy challenges. If he were asking my advice (unlikely so long as pigs ar...