Mohamed Atta

February 28, 2019 | Thomas Joscelyn |

U.S. offers $1 million reward for information on Hamza bin Laden

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November 24, 2014 | |

Double Trouble: Beware of the Irani-Sudanese Partnership

It’s a rare day that the Sudan Tribune runs headlines that garner international attention. But on September 1, the...

February 11, 2014 | Thomas Joscelyn

Al Qaeda’s Expansion in Egypt Implications for U.S. Homeland Security

Chairman King, Ranking Member Higgins, members of the committee, thank you for inviting me here today to discuss al Qaeda’s presence in Egypt. The uprisings throughou...

May 22, 2013 | Thomas Joscelyn

Assessing the Threat to the Homeland from al Qaeda Operations in Iran and Syria

Chairman King, Ranking Member Higgins and members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me here today to discuss the threat posed by al Qaeda’s operations inside Iran and Syria. These ar...

June 21, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn The Weekly Standard |

Pakistan’s New Al Qaeda Detainee and Iran

Pakistani officials have reportedly captured Naamen Meziche, an al Qaeda operative with an extensive dossier. Meziche plays a significant role in an article (“...

June 20, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn The Long War Journal |

Pakistan Detains al Qaeda Operative Tied to Multiple Plots

An al Qaeda operative connected to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and a Mumbai-style plot against Europe has been reportedly detained in Pakistan. The operative, a French-Algerian named Naa...

May 17, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy Ordered Liberty

Tea Party Should Oppose Latest Terrorist Bill of Rights

The reckless crew is at it again. Libertarian extremists, who purport to be the face of the tea party movement, and their pals on the Lawyer Left, whose obsession is more rights for mass...

March 29, 2012 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

9/11 plotter spotted in Mir Ali

The trial of Ahmed Siddiqui, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan operative who allied with al Qaeda and was part of a plot to conduct Mumbai-style attacks in Europe before he was captured in Afgha...

March 26, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal, Thomas Joscelyn

Al Qaeda’s Network in Iran

Revelations from a German courtroom.

February 17, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn |

British Intel Concerned About Iran-Al Qaeda

Members of British intelligence are concerned about the possibility of Iran and al Qaeda teaming up in a plot against the West, perhaps in a joint attack against the 2012 Olympic Games in London....

January 19, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn The Long War Journal |

Leaders of German al Qaeda Cell Living in Iran

In early October 2010, US forces launched a drone airstrike against a militant compound in North Waziristan, Pakistan. The intent of the strike was to kill members of a German al Qaeda cell that...

January 12, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn

The Stories Ex-Gitmo Detainees Tell

Ten years ago this week, the U.S. government opened the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detention facility. And three years ago this month, shortly after his inauguration, President Barack Obama ordered Gua...

October 27, 2011 | Andrew McCarthy National Review Online

Our Libyan Adventure

Qaddafi’s dictatorship was preferable to an Islamist Libya.

June 14, 2011 | Human Events

FISA Reform Debacle in the Making?

Collecting intelligence and connecting dots isn’t just good policy.  It’s good politics.  The reform of FISA -- the ill-conceived, outdated Foreign Intelligence Surveillance...

June 10, 2011 | Clifford D. May |

A Bug’s Life

Six years after the terrorist atrocities of 9/11/01, 15 years after the first attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, 25 years after the bombing of the U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut,...

February 16, 2011 |

The Patriot Act and the Tea Party

 Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been on the road for most of the last 10 days.  It’s old news at this point that a defection by several Tea Party Republicans to...

February 10, 2011 | Clifford D. May

Pyramid Scheme

Beware the Muslim Brotherhood Amid a harmattan of news, analysis and commentary blowing out of Egypt, one Twitter post stands out. An Israeli tweeted: Dear Egyptian rioters,...

October 6, 2010 |

Better Late Than Never on “Able Danger”?

Five years ago, I called fo...

October 2, 2010 | Thomas Joscelyn The Long War Journal

More Ties Between al Qaeda Plotter And 9/11 Hamburg Cell Revealed

The man at the heart of the plot to launch Mumbai-style attacks in Europe has ties to at least four members of al Qaeda's infamous Hamburg terrorist cell. Ahmad Siddiqui, who was ca...

October 1, 2010 | The Long War Journal

Osama bin Laden Ordered Mumbai-Style Attacks in Europe

Osama bin Laden personally ordered the recently discovered plot against multiple cities in Europe. The terror master wanted al Qaeda and its affiliates to carry out an attack similar to the terro...