Michael Flynn

December 19, 2024 | Peter Doran, Ivana Stradner

Trump must counter Vladimir Putin’s coming deception games — here’s how

Vladimir Putin’s regime is readying a new bag of diplomatic tricks for the second Trump administration, as the Kremlin angles to lure Trump’s incoming national-security team into helping...

August 31, 2023 | Ivana Stradner |

Russia Is Not the Champion of Christian and Traditional Values

For years, Putin has sought to present Russia as the champion of Christian and traditional values. He portrays the West as a dystopia of decadence, where elites push “strange and trendy ideas like...

October 22, 2020 | Thomas Joscelyn |

One Term of ‘Maximum Pressure’ on North Korea

A new book from H.R. McMaster offers a look back at Trump's attempted containment and wooing of Kim Jong-un.

October 24, 2019 | Jonathan Schanzer, Aykan Erdemir

Trump’s Turkey problem

In what may well have been the shortest duration of sanctions in modern history, President Trump on Oct. 23 lifted all of the sanctions he had imposed on Turkey just nine days earlier for “escalating...

September 8, 2017 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Perfect Partners

When he won the election, Donald Trump—along with his national security adviser Michael Flynn, his all-purpose counselor Stephen Bannon, and, perhaps, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner—wa...

February 24, 2017 | Thomas Joscelyn |

Take Two at the NSC

It has been a tumultuous start for President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, to put it gently. General Michael Flynn was forced to resign as national security adviser less than a...

February 17, 2017 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

The Face-Off

Donald Trump has promised a foreign policy of muscular retrenchment, in which a better-resourced U.S. military intimidates our enemies without serving as a global cop. More than any pr...

February 14, 2017 | Michael Ledeen The Wall Street Journal |

To Break the Moscow-Tehran Alliance, Target Iran’s Regime

Putin may not like the Islamic Republic, but it serves his interests in important ways.

February 6, 2017 | Mark Dubowitz, Behnam Ben Taleblu

Trump’s Iran sanctions signal return to coercion

On Friday the Treasury Department added 13 persons and 12 enti...

January 23, 2017 | Thomas Joscelyn

The New Bin Laden Documents

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released 98 additional items from Osama bin Laden's compound today. If the ODNI has its way, then these files will be th...

December 16, 2016 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Iranian Kurds Join the Fight

Co-written by Jonathan Spyer The instability that has swept over the Middle East over the past half-decade has its winners and its losers. For the most part, the much-...

December 12, 2016 | John Hannah

Will Trump Stay or Go in Iraq?

Though the battle for Mosul has slowed to a crawl, the collapse of the Islamic State’s territorial caliphate — at least in its Iraqi incarnation — remai...

December 5, 2016 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Don’t Let Iran Off The Hook For Chemical/Biological Weapons

The Trump administration will need to be on its toes to enforce the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement—and stop the Islamic Republic’s developing chemical and  biological weapons progra...

October 19, 2016 | Michael Ledeen |

We’re Losing the War and We’re Paying for It

When the No Deal Deal was made with Iran, I said it was easy to understand:  the Iranians would promise to be good, and we would pay for it.  In the event, I was only half right. ...

July 13, 2016 | Thomas Joscelyn |

Top Intel Official: Al Qaeda Worked on WMD in Iran

Al Qaeda operatives based in Iran worked on chemical and biological weapons, according to a letter written to Osama bin Laden that is described in a new book by a top former U.S. intelligence off...

May 12, 2016 | Michael Ledeen

Trump’s Secret? Religion

I’ve just finished correcting the first set of galleys from St. Martin’s Press for The Field of Fight, the soon-to-be-released book I had the pleasure of co-authoring with Lt. General...

January 20, 2016 | Michael Ledeen

RIP Tom O’Connell

Tom O’Connell, Col. Tom O’Connell that is, died last night of a “massive heart attack” in his bed. He was my best friend and my personal hero. He did so many incredibly br...

November 20, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn |

The Long War Continues

In many ways, the reaction to the horrific attacks in Paris has been familiar. There were the expressions of solidarity: flowers at French embassies; social media avatars changed from silly selfi...

June 17, 2015 | Clifford D. May |

The Road to ‘Entropy on a Scale Not Seen in Centuries’

Lt. Gen Michael T. Flynn (ret.) served 33 years in the U.S. Army. Being named President Obama’s director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 was the culmination of his career. He tho...

June 3, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn

Slow Release

A few more documents from the bin Laden raid are finally revealed. They do not flatter the judgment of the Obama administration.