
April 25, 2024 | |

Iran Rebuffs Argentine Request for Extradition of Key Terrorist Mastermind

Tehran on April 24 rejected an Argentine request for the extradition of Iran’s interior minister for his alleged role in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in...

April 1, 2024 | Saeed Ghasseminejad, Behnam Ben Taleblu

Reading the Tea Leaves on Iran’s Other “Election”

The newly “re-elected” Assembly of Experts will play a large part in determining Iran’s post-Khamenei leadership.

January 18, 2023 | Toby Dershowitz |

A Prosecutor Was Murdered for Investigating Iran and Argentinian Corruption

Argentina has “serious corruption problems,” according to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index. Will this regrettable condition continue to conceal the truth behind the identity...

November 22, 2021 | Hussain Abdul-Hussain |

Malley should go back to the basics

Whatever policy the US special envoy is conducting on Iran does not qualify as diplomacy, but rather as ideology.

November 3, 2021 | Hussain Abdul-Hussain |

How Hezbollah’s hold destroyed Lebanon’s relationship with Saudi Arabia

As long as Hezbollah decides who rules Lebanon, the Lebanese government will go with Iran against their nation’s interests, which are better served by sticking with Saudi Arabia instead.

August 2, 2021 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |


Iranian presidential elections have rarely mattered. Both the past victory of the so-called reformists and now the restoration of a tailor made presidency to consolidate the regime, portray something similar...

June 25, 2021 | Reuel Marc Gerecht, Ray Takeyh

In Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s clerics have groomed and promoted their ruthless enforcer

This month, Iran held the most boring — and most consequential — presidential election in its history. Boring because the election was rigged virtually from the start. What made it consequential is...

June 9, 2021 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Why the Coming Iranian Elections Will Challenge the Biden Administration

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei seems inclined to promote a candidate who will quash dissent over someone who could work with the West.

December 2, 2020 | Saeed Ghasseminejad |

Key Targets Remain for U.S. Sanctions on Iran

The U.S. Department of the Treasury last week sanctioned the Mustazafan Foundation, one of three critical holdings in the business empire of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Trump administration,...

November 17, 2020 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Iranian disabled bodybuilder jailed for questioning coronavirus restrictions, sparks calls for execution

Reza Tabrizi had called out the Iranian regime for keeping gyms closed during the pandemic.

June 2, 2020 | Alireza Nader |

Iran’s Parliament Chooses Khamenei Loyalist as Speaker

Iran’s parliament on Thursday chose Muhammad Baqer Qalibaf as its new speaker, replacing Ali Larijani, who had held the post since 2008. A former air force commander in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard...

April 8, 2020 | Mark Dubowitz, Saeed Ghasseminejad

Tehran Can Afford to Fight COVID-19 Even Without Sanctions Relief

The Iranian government is leading an international campaign to pressure the United States to lift sanctions. American and European negotiators of the ill-fated Iran nuclear deal, along with dozens of pressure...

April 7, 2020 | Alireza Nader |

Pandemic Spurs Iranian Regime to Escalate

Iran may be an epicenter of the global COVID-19 pandemic, but that has not kept the Islamic Republic from pursuing its rivalry with the United States more aggressively than before. The regime’s strategy...

January 14, 2020 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Iranian authorities bulldozed grave of executed Christian pastor

The grave of the Rev. Hossein Soodmand, the only Iranian pastor confirmed to have been formally sentenced for quitting Islam and then executed by Iran’s regime, was bulldozed in early December. Article18,...

September 15, 2018 | Tzvi Kahn |

The U.S. Should Sanction Iran’s Key Slush Fund and Its Brutal Custodian

At first, he couldn’t identify the sound. But Amir Atiabi, an inmate in Iran’s Gohardasht Prison, was curious. Over the course of several nights in 1988, he ...

May 4, 2018 | Reuel Marc Gerecht

The Iran Deal Is Strategically and Morally Absurd

It was surely Barack Obama’s profound aversion to the use of American military power that so enfeebled his nuclear diplomacy and made his atomic accord with Iran the worst arms-control agre...

January 22, 2018 | Mark Dubowitz, Saeed Ghasseminejad

Hit Ayatollah Khamenei in His Pocketbook

The Trump administration already has offered rhetorical support to Iran’s antigovernment protesters. Now, nearly a month after the demonstrations began, how can the U.S. provide material he...

July 21, 2017 | Emanuele Ottolenghi |

The Iranian Express

On November 30, 2016, Syria watcher Tobias Schneider tweeted out pictures of an Iraqi Shia militiaman boarding an Iranian commercial airliner en route to Damascus. One selfie taken on the plane s...

April 7, 2017 | Behnam Ben Taleblu |

Hardline Iranian Cleric Announces Presidential Run

A hardline Iranian political coalition...

March 21, 2016 | Saeed Ghasseminejad |

Khamenei’s Latest Moves to Solidify Hardline Gains

The legendary cleric Abbas Vaez Tabasi died this month after thirty-seven years supe...